View Full Version : Risk of Tetanus?

01-07-09, 16:08
I accidentally stabbed myself (causing a shallow wound with blood barely making it out) with a rusty old pin on something in my closet. The wound is not serious at all but of course with my HA I worry about tetanus b/c the old pin was rusty. I checked my vaccination record and my last booster was 9.5 years ago. I called my GP and she told me not to worry - the shot should last 15 years and anyway the cut did not occur outside in the street where there would be more bacteria around - so ignore it.

Should I worry???

01-07-09, 16:14
if the shot lasts 15 years its fine, plus i think tetanus is a really big problem only when its outside like if you had stabbed yourself and soil carrying the tetanus bacteria was on the piercing object. so just clean it well and cover up, should be fiine.

01-07-09, 16:18
thanks, needed to hear that! :)

01-07-09, 20:51
tetanus is very rare in this country nowadays. I think theres only one or 2 cases a year. If you've had the jab you'll be fine!

02-07-09, 06:38
From what I understand (because of past freaking-outs by myself) tetanus is VERY rare in healthy adults. In America anyway, I think something like 40 people a year are infected, which when you consider the population is nothing really. Most of these people are elderly. Also your chances are higher with soil from outside, feces or saliva.. than they are with household "rust".