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01-07-09, 16:22
I feel so sick.

How do I cope in this hot weather?

Im 19, Eat a lot of fruit, Drink a lot of water (so far today I have been sipping and consumed 2-3 litres already)

I eat ice cream and try to eat food although my appetite gets reduced
loads when its this hot grrrr :mad:

I feel sick and want to faint. Its horrible. and I see people going jogging or even now on the tennis, playing in this weather, how do people do it? I cant even walk to the shops and back.

Would the answer for me to get more fit as I get little exercise?
Im supposed to be going to a music festival next month how on earth will I survive in the sun all day in this heat :weep:

Also I have just eaten rice which said on it use within one month if frozen and it went off in May, Will that make me ill as Im panicking over that now lol?

01-07-09, 16:36

Could you try to keep your sugar levels up and perhaps have a chocolate bar. Might stop the queasy fainting feeling.
You could try some sort of exercise. How about swimming? Would cool you down a bit too.

As for the rice you can get food poisoning from rice but as long as you heated it thoroughly I'm sure it will be ok x

01-07-09, 17:02
hia cass hun, if u going nx mth it may be cooler fingers crossed, buy a nice hat hun and lotion keep doing what ur doing with water you will be fine, take a little battery fan with u, get them from pound shop.
ill speak to u in chat l8r

01-07-09, 20:44
(looks around to check theres no environmentalists in the room)

2 or 3 years ago we bought a small portable aircon unit from argos, for about £160-180. Not an evaporative air cooler, those are useless, but a proper aircon unit. All that was needed was a "small" hole in the bedroom wall so we could run it with the windows closed.
Best investment ever.

We dont use it all the time but just to take the edge off, and before going to bed. They use less power than a fan heater and really, in moderation, in this country, for 15 or so days a year lol, it's not gonna make much diff to the planet, but might make a lot of diff to your wellbeing!

01-07-09, 20:48
Also I have just eaten rice which said on it use within one month if frozen and it went off in May, Will that make me ill as Im panicking over that now lol?

oh yeah and frozen food lasts forever if its a proper freezer and not an ice box..I would probably panic too though, like I did when I ate a 1 year out of date chocolate bar, I felt so sick with panic lol, but you'll be fine, just as I was fine. The rules on packaging are meant to be broken. I mean cmon, who drinks milk within 3 days of opening? And whats all this about preserves that say eat within 3 weeks. What kind of preserve is that?!?!?!?

01-07-09, 21:00
My friend is a Director of Public Health and he ALWAYS eats out of date food!!! He says the sell by dates on a lot of stuff mean nothing. How can something rot overnight!!

11-07-09, 00:02

Just wanted to throw my thoughts in here. First of all "the heat" has always been major problems for me in the summer ,since I was a child. My heart beats loudly and can be felt all over my body. As a child I thought this was
normal and never mentioned it to anyone,

As I grew older I realized I was one of those people that cannot handle the heat of summer. Some days when its overcast ,I can...Some days when im in the water swimming I can, but these times have been few and far between.

Sorry to say I have also noticed there are some people that can take the heat...Unfortunately I have noticed more and more im not one of those.

You mentioned you ate ice cream..not a good idea in the heat..First of all the sugar brings your pulse up and makes you sick to your stomach and
also it probablly is better if you wait to eat it when you are relaxing at home in the cool air when you know you aren't going to go anywhere.

Other than that all I can say is you probably aren't one of the fortunate ones that can gorge themselves on candy, soda ,hotdogs ,and all sorts of foods and then go frolic in the sun.. Im sorry to burst your bubble about going out in the heat but some of us just have to stay indoors on very hot days or try to spend very little time out there especially on a full stomach.

I hope this has helped you a little. Many many many people feel just like we do but they also find it bizarre and most of the time they aren't going to
mention it to you ,unless you are this board. Take care ,stay cool.