View Full Version : Hey from Canada

01-07-09, 16:23
HI there...i have been living with Panic and anxiety for almost 15 yrs now...had a bad car accident about 6 months ago and started having all the symptoms again..yuckkkkkkkk...lol..also trying to start a diet and joined a Herbal weight Lose centre..unfortunatly took my first "herbs" and panic set in with in 1/2 an hour..dont know if it was the stress of it all because i have been stressing about the effects of these pills..anyone have any ideas??

01-07-09, 17:18

I'm not sure about the herbal tablets causing anxiety unless you're on other medication for panic/anxiety and they don't mix. I do know that St. John's Wort isn't to be taken with certain medication, even though it's supposed to be "natural"
Hope you find this site helpful as I have done.

01-07-09, 19:24

Welcome to the site I think you will find some good advice and support on here

Take care


01-07-09, 19:26
hi and welcome
debera :hugs:

01-07-09, 20:12
Hi there from Jersey , channel Islands,

From my experience it could well be the herbal diet tablets that made you feel rotten. Five years age I was taking herbal weight loss tablets, did really well on them, lost loads of weight and had boundless energy. I took them for two years (without a break), when I did have a break I felt tired and irratable, so went back on them. Then out of the blue I had my first massive panic attack whilst driving my car, and it frightened the life out of me.

Being very shaky I visited the doctor the next day who told me I was depressed (I really wasnt) and put me on meds. The meds made me feel worse, really trippy and unreal, any way to cut a long story short, spent alot of money going to and from the docs, tried 4 different types of meds all with rotten side affects, so gave up on them.

I belive that the herbal weight loss tablets had stressed my nervous system, they had alot of caffine in them. Anyway I slowly improved and got back to normal.

Three months ago I deceided to go on a diet (one of those diets in a box, 850 cals a day), did really well and lost 2 stone, then I got a really bad cold, ear infections in both ears and felt really rough. My doctor said I was run down having had such a low calorie intake. Now I am back to being very nervous, and havnt left the house in 5 weeks.

So no more daft diets for me (or herbal diet pills). I read in Dr Claire Weeks book that dieting can bring on anxiety, and I really believe that thats the case with me. Sorry to prattle on, I think I would rather be a little plump and happy, than be a stick thin bag of nerves :shades: Karen

02-07-09, 01:13
Hi Paulina66 !
Happy Canada Day ! Welcome to NMP. You'll find great support and kindness here and it's nice to have another Cannuck perspective !
Take Care