View Full Version : Chest aches/pains

01-07-09, 20:09
I was on propanolol for a few months a while back for anxiety and was slowly taken off it and that all went fine and I've not felt the need for it until recently. I'm just not sure if health worries are making me anxious or if anxiety is making me think I have health problems.

I occasionally get short bursts of lightheaded/dizzyness sometimes accompanied by feeling my pulse either in my arm/hand/fingers. The can also happen on their own. And I'm not sure, I just get these feelings like my head like aches sometimes that just don't feel right. And i get a tingly scalp. And I can feel my heart sometiems and get achey chest pains. I've also been suffering from indigestion for the last month or so...

Sorry for the huge ramble, I was just wondering if anyone gets a similar group of symptoms or if maybe I really am just being anxious about it. I'm worried I'm becoming a hypochondriac and I'm not entirely keen about seeing my doctor because of it..

So if anyone can reply with ideas or if they also get the same sort of thing that'd be great..

Thank you :)

Edit: I also get a feeling of weakness in my hands sometimes. I suppose my main concern is theres something up with my heart perhaps. I do always have low end of normal BP though, so its not high BP..

01-07-09, 20:26
I cant comment on your symptoms much because I dont know much about that, but what I will say is dont be afraid of wasting the GP's time, and go see him. It's what you pay taxes for!! Well, NI..but that's not the point lol.

01-07-09, 20:31
I had and still get all those symptoms, but had loads of tests ecg ect and every thing is fine with my ticker, but i suggest that you visit your g.p just so they can check you out and hopefully give you the all clear like they did me:yesyes: