View Full Version : Mood Changes related to anxiety ?

01-07-09, 20:42
Hello I was wondering if mood changes are related to anxiety. Today I was anxious all day on and off and then I get really angry and then sad. I am just wondering if it's anxiety related. Please reply as I feel like I am going out of my mind.
Thank you and god bless,

01-07-09, 21:11
Hi there
Yes, I think they are. I get so fed up with the anxiety that it brings me down and then I feel like crying. I get angry that it won't go away too.
Somedays the anxiety is hardly there and others it lingers all day with no specific reason and those are the days that are the hardest.
You are not going out of your mind, I think it is not surprising, anxiety is not pleasant.
Take care

01-07-09, 22:43
yes tammy its very common mood swing all part of Anxiety maybe you doctor could give you something to relax you just take the edge off it

02-07-09, 12:02
Hi Tammy, yes definatly mood swings are very common with anxiety, sometimes i can be very up and happy and other times i just feel angry and sad, all i can do is try to keep myself busy and hope the bad moments pass quickly. hugs to u xxx

02-07-09, 12:29
Hello I was wondering if mood changes are related to anxiety. Today I was anxious all day on and off and then I get really angry and then sad. I am just wondering if it's anxiety related. Please reply as I feel like I am going out of my mind.
Thank you and god bless,
Hi Tammy

Yes I agree anxiety makes mood changes seem really extreme and noticable but i dont think its that they are occuring more rapidly or outwith our control totally. I think that the whole theory that our thoughts control and cuase our emotions and therefore mood is very true and when we are anxious we tend to overthink and catastophise as you will know. But I think that when we have been anxious for a while we dont even realise when we are having horrible anxious thoughts and so think that our mood change has come out of nowhere and is outwith our control. And to make matter worse the chemistry associated with being anxious makes us be really aware of the emotions and somewhat afraid of them too. My psychologist says this is called having metacognitions which is thoughts about your thoughts.

I think the solution is to try and be calm and know that the mood wont last and you will feel better in a while and then you will forget all about that particular mood swing i bet, i do.


02-07-09, 18:26
Hi Tammy

mood swings seem to be a big part of our illness. Some days I seem to be in great form and others I swing from despair to anger - why me syndrom!!!

It's all very normal, unfortunately, but distressing. Learning to take the mood swings is an art that I still haven't mastered yet!!!!

Keep your chin up - you'll get there . Take care


02-07-09, 19:18
Tammy mood swings are definately related to anxiety, I used to go from tearful to angry and within an hour I could be laughing. My husband never knew where he stood with me while I was going through my bad time, to be honest I wouldn't have blamed him if he had done a runner I was that bad and most of the time I didn't understand why so I'm sure he didn't. I think it's all frustration. I did learn how to control mine and when I felt anger or sadness come along I would just learn to accept it and work around it and now my moods are quite stable.


02-07-09, 21:40

up,down,no thats not me keeping fit,moods are funny old things,yesterday laughing and joking with my friend,today anx all day,tearful,then shouting at hubby because his siatica was hurting .

i even get on my own nerves ha ha....... let alone anyone elses

love skyx