View Full Version : Dizziness and off balance please reply xxx

01-07-09, 21:45
Well Last Thrusday I was sat talking to my partner and all of a sudden I felt like my head was going forward and backwards, side to side. I felt like I was going to faint. I went doctors in the morning he said I had fluid on my ear and in side my nose is swollen and my throat is still red. He told me to see how it goes. Well Im a wreck I keep getting of balanced and dizzy a pressure feeling in my eyes and head. I think im going to faint and end up having some thing seriously wrong with me. I cant concentrate im constantly waiting to feel dizzy. Please help any one go through this xx thanks xx I suffer Bad with health anxiety and panic attacks have done for 3 year

01-07-09, 22:17
Hay there leanne,

I was the same as you last year and it is so terrifying i was terribly dizzy in the mornings i couldnt walk in a straight line and the floor and everything was distorted..i like you was terrified..in the end i had vertigo and the doctor gave me some tablets which i took for about a month and the symptoms went away i am actually a bit dizzy again but not like how i was that was awful. my heart goes out to you did the doctor give you any tablets for this problem to try...if so just give yourself a couple of weeks on them to see an improvement. Try not to worry i know thats easy for me to say but please try not to.. its just one of those things and it will improve, sometimes it does take quite a long time though unfortunately...goodluck hope you feel better soon xx

02-07-09, 03:00
I've had this in the past. Kinda makes me feel better though knowing that these things are signs of anxiety. When it first happened i thought i was gone. Had to run out of a bar and sit in the gutter thinking it was all over. This feeling kept up for a few days, and occasionally makes it's return, but i never react as bad as that first time.
Hope you start to feel better.

02-07-09, 12:43
Me too had this a lot on and off. Happenend once when I was driving and that was scarey. Dr said i too had air bubbles in my ear. She said it can be caused by too much jaw clenching and teeth grinding. have found that also gives me sore cheeks too..I now catch myself clenching my jaw on a regular basis and try to relax it. My dr said the same...keep an eye it also she said how is the sertraline going?hmmmmmmmmm


05-07-09, 08:31
Thanks for your replys. Its horrible went back to the doctors, the fulid has gone but my nose is still swollen. So he has giving me a spray its called (Beconase Aqueous Nasal Spray) but Im to paranoid to take it. I get so panicking about side affects. Has any one got this or has taken it? thanks xx

agent orange
05-07-09, 15:19
I suffer from dizziness, off balance, though I never fall over and I can walk in a straight line, I become anxoius because of it and not the other way round. I too have beconaise spray. My ears pop and there is a load of mucous running down the throat (sorry) but I have felt off balance for 3 years, but does not mean you will, and have not found anything..because believe I have had some tests etc and worried only to find that they can't find anything wrong, However I do suffer from a somatoform disorder. Hope you feel better soon.