View Full Version : Greetings All !!

10-09-05, 04:36
Hiya All,

I've just stumbled across this great site and found some fantastic reading, so thought I'd register and show my appreciation.

I initialy developed a panic disorder, which progressed to GAD, around 6 years ago. It really knocked me off my feet for about 18 months. Fortunately I had some very supportive family and friends, and I was quickly referred to an anxiety specialist in my home town. Through a combination of medication (needed at first to get me into a treatable condition) and CBT, I had a fairly quick road to "recovery". I have, since then, completed my university degree, done some hospitality work, and had a stint in a government position, and al of these tasks I've done without the dreaded "P" word imposing itself too strongly.

For the last 12 months my best mate has been in Korea teaching English, and it has been my plan for quite some time to join him. About 10 days ago he sent an email to let me know that a position has become availabe, and that the job starts in one month. As most of you are probably aware, this is a recipe for disaster.

So, I have once again, despite roughly 4 years of being panic free, started to suffer a few symptoms again, and in the last week I've had two full blown attacks. I have also developed the scary throat thing, something that I managed to avoid the first time around. But hey, I'm eating a steak sanger as I write this, so it can't be all that bad right? Right?!?!? :D

Anyways, I've had my interview for the job, and was given the position. My documents are currently being processed by the Korean government, and I believe that sometime in the next week I will be contacted to finalise travel details. Till then, I think I'll be popping in here from time to time for some of that good old "you're not alone" therapy, and, if I can, to contribute some helpfull words here and there.

Well done on developing a great community guys. Its brilliant to know that so many people have found a safe place to go to when the world becomes a little bit crazy.

Wishing everyone the best,

10-09-05, 06:26
WOW - you have really come a long way !!!
great to here that you have completed your education and that you have a great job to go to.
As far as the symptoms you have been having lately, well.. change can be a scary thing sometimes even when it is a change for the good.
The most important thing is you have gotten through these symptoms before and you will get through them again.
The throat thing does suck (I too still have it from time to time).
But just remember, it's annoying but nothing that can hurt you.
If you need to chat there is always someone here who is willing to listen :)


10-09-05, 06:34
Hi Shud

Welcome to the forum. You have certainly done very well in coming through this and this current situation is just a blip that you will be able to recover from.

Good luck with the job.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

10-09-05, 08:33
Gosh, since developing and controlling your initial panic attacks you have come a very long way. Completing a degree, doing a couple of jobs and now relocating to another country!

I'm sure your recent attacks are a hiccup. You have so much to look forward to - Think Positive!!!

I found the site a couple of days ago and like you am finding it incredibly helpful, so keep on visiting to help it support you!

All the Best


10-09-05, 09:07
Hi shud welcome to the site.

10-09-05, 09:20
Hi Shud,

Sounds like right now you are nervous, but excited and anticipating a huge change which is a healthy normal reaction.
Its because the symptoms of excitement and anxiety are similar its often mistaken and really your body is gearing up -

Its just the thought processes that are different..

Keep away from the scary 'whats ifs' and encourage the ' Yes- what a great opportunity' and know that your friend is there to support you ..


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

10-09-05, 11:13
Welcome aboard Shud!! :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

10-09-05, 11:46
Hi Shut


You have worked soooo hard to get where you are now WELL DONE.

Sometimes we forget that when we a excited are thoughts can misfire.
We forget to work on our thoughts and let alot of negative ones in, the what if's. Keep pushing those positive thoughts in.
Good Luck with the new job. Sounds fab :D



Every thought you think changes your biochemistry.
Your hormones are effected by your thoughts.
Pay attention to stuff that bring you joy.
Look for things that bring s a smile :D:D

10-09-05, 13:22
Hi there,
what a lovely post to read, you have done so well, and as has been said, try to look forward to your new life, you have worked so hard, nothing will stand in your way after coming this far!!!!!

10-09-05, 14:46
Hi Shud,
Welcome to the forum, you will find a lot of support here, which will help you until you begin youre 'new life'.
Take care
Trac xx

its "just a thought"

10-09-05, 18:09
Welcome aboard Shud!

The days leading up to a big unknown are always going to have an effect on your panics.

See you around!


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

11-09-05, 16:59

A warm welcome aboard the forum and glad to hear that you are doing so well.

Hope to hear more from you soon.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

11-09-05, 18:56
Welcome! Sounds like you are doing great!

Tam x

12-09-05, 11:00
Hi There,

A BIG warm welcome to the site. I do hope it helps you.

Take Care,

Love PIP'S X X X X