10-09-05, 07:55
Hi everyone,

I just need your help and reassurance again....sorry but its the usual thing of missed beats etc..

I have tried not to focus on them and think about them all the time, but they are still there. Last night, I went up to bed and as soon as I lay down I could feel my heart going mad. I felt my pulse and sure enough it was all over the place. I took a deep breath and changed position and it did calm now but I still don't understand why it does this and how it can't harm me. I am really tired right now as well. I'm trying not to overdo things as I'm pregnant and usually by 6pm I am sitting on the settee watching TV so I am getting enough rest. The tiredness is due to pregnancy I know (I think!) but I just wish I could overcome this constant fear of the heartbeat thing. HOW DID I REALLY KNOW THERE ISN'T ANYTHING WRONG WITH ME???????????:(
I cancelled my appointment with my counsellor on Thursday as I really couldn't see the point in going to see him. I know that sounds bad, but I don't think he is helping me and I feel bad about asking to change to someone else. I am sure I need proper CBT but I'm not sure if this is what he does or not, because he doesn't give me advice or things to try to do differently. I asked him about help with changing my thought process and he just said thats down to me!!?? I keep meaning to ring NO PANIC. I spoke to them a couple of years ago before I found this site and they seemed very good but really I need to join to try to benefit fully. I am getting despondent now because I keep reading about people who are getting over their anxieties and mine are still here. I know I am also worried about the birth of my baby, because of the caesarean and I'm scared something will happen to me....

Sorry to have gone on so long again,
Love, Linda.xxx

10-09-05, 09:25
Hi Linda

I also have strange heartbeats.I remember being really upset and anxious one day in the Drs surgery ans i could feel my heart pounding,but it felt as if it was actually jmping about from the middle of chest to underneath my left breast!Then it was give a thump and it felt like it stopped beating for a second or two and then start this erratic jumping again,it was really frightening.Is this ectopic beats?

I had a caesarean with my son and was a nervous wreck about something happening to me,but it really was fine.They are used to people being very nervous and they will prob chat to you all the way through to put you at ease.When is your baby due?

Hunny x

10-09-05, 09:28
Hi Lin, So sorry you are feeling so bad but I am sure this missed beat is common amongst anxiety sufferers and symptoms do seem to change from time to time. Getting better from anxiety is a long long process so I wouldn’t really worry about that. I am lots better than I was 2 years ago but I think the anxiety is always there we just learn to cope better with it in time? I have really had a pretty good life when I look at different peoples problems in the world and I think that other people are a lot worst off than me keeps me feeling just a bit better. You are scared of the caesarean, which is 100% normal and more for us with high levels of anxiety. I had eye surgery a few months back after cancelling for years I had nothing to lose from the surgery as my worst eye was totally blind and been registered blind for about 8 years. I was 100% convinced that I would die if I had the surgery, not from the surgery but of heart attack from the fear I felt so strong. But it all went fine and I now have much better sight and am able to watch TV and do lots I have missed out on for so long. You will be fine and when your new baby comes along that’s one less thing you will have to worry about. Hope you feel better soon and take care, Vernon

10-09-05, 11:20
hi Linda,

Sorry to hear how you're feeling. The heart beating fast is very normal but it can be scary. It sounds like you really need to speak to your counsellor. If he/she isn't helping you then something needs to be changed. Do sign up with No Panic as they are good. You can also ring their support line when you need to. Hang in there..

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

10-09-05, 11:31
Hi Linda

Sorry you are having a hard time at the moment.

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I cancelled my appointment with my counsellor on Thursday as I really couldn't see the point in going to see him. I know that sounds bad, but I don't think he is helping me and I feel bad about asking to change to someone else. I am sure I need proper CBT but I'm not sure if this is what he does or not, because he doesn't give me advice or things to try to do differently. I asked him about help with changing my thought process and he just said thats down to me!!??<div align="right">Originally posted by linjane - 10 September 2005 : 07:55:08</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
I don't think you have any reason to feel bad about cancelling the appointment with him. From what you describe it doesn't sound anything like CBT or solution focused therapy to me because this certainly would involve helping you develop ways of changing thought patterns.

The No Panic CBT course could be a good idea for you, or if not you could go back to your doctor and ask for a referral specifically for CBT or solution focused therapy.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

10-09-05, 12:03
Hi Linjane,

The heart symptoms are scary aren't they. Earlier my pulse was 96 for no obvious reason other than I feel edgy. I know how scary it can feel.
You do need CBT and it doesn't sound like your counsellor is giving you that. CBT really helps with thoughts, although it still takes alot of hard work.
Don't feel dispondant, there is no time limit to get over this, some people get over it in months and some take many more years than you, there is no right or wrong, we're all different.
Hang in there,
Love Lisa x

10-09-05, 12:41
Hi Lin,

I have signed up for the NoPanic cbt course (did you miss my week of saying it in every post lol) and I'm on the waiting list - you never know if you join soon we may end up on the same group.

My palpitations are what bought me to the site in the first place and you and the other Linda were among the first people I talked to in the posts.

My other issues are dealing with panic attacks and health anxiety which I'm hoping they may be able to help me with.

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

10-09-05, 21:36
Thanks for the replies.

Today didn't start off too bad, but as the day wore on the missed beats and flutterings came back and they scared me again. We went to my nephews 5th birthday party after work, in Telford, (we live in Wolverhampton) and I even had them there. I am soooo tired and irritable all the time and not sure anymore if its the pregnancy or anxiety causing it.

I really need all of your help to get through this right now because I'm right back to square one where it is really scaring me again.

Thanks for listening.
Love, Linda.x

10-09-05, 21:43
Hi Linda,
I really feel for you, I know how hard it can be to accept symptoms.
I'm sorry I can't be more help but I am thinking of you.
Hang in there,
Lisa x

10-09-05, 22:01
Hi Linda,

Im pretty much the same as LJ in my reply to you. All we can do is try to reassure you that the missed beats are fine. As im sure they are. Thing is the more your anxious the more they will be noticed. Try to relax and look forward to the baby.

You know where I am if want a chat.

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

11-09-05, 09:45
Morning and thanks Lisa and Emma,

I've woke up with a headache this morning and I feel really sick - defo the pregnancy that one lol!!! I still feel tired even though I went to bed at 11pm and have only just got up but I am waking up most nights between 2 and 5am and finding it hard to get straight back to sleep.

I'm going to share something that happened yesterday with you, something I would have usually wanted to tell my counsellor but he says he doesn't want to hear about things related to others....My little boy, whose 4, was playing with his cousins in the playroom at my friends house, when we heard him crying. His Aunty went to investigate and found he fallen off the rocking horse and banged his head on the radiator. She calmed him down and then he came to me. There were no cuts or bruises, but I was in quite a state. My husband was looking at me like I'd gone mad and I think everyone else who was there was too!! I know I am over protective where the kids are concerned and I REALLY hate them banging their heads. All the irrational thoughts come back and my mind goes into overdrive about what could happen. When I woke early this morning the thoughts were still going round and round in my head. I have discussed this sort of thing many times with my counsellor before but he basically says he just wants to hear stuff about me.

I just wanted to share this with you all to try to describe how I get worked up about things that others take in their stride - others being non-anxiety sufferers not any of us!!!.

Another question is, why I am still having these thoughts would these trigger or help to trigger the missed beats?

I've gone on again haven't I? Sorry, I know you will understand how I feel. My husband tries much more lately, but he can't understand my fear of things because he doesn't have these worries like me and I don't know anyone who does within my 'real life.' We have just started to let our daughter play out - she's 10 now and all her friends do - but I must admit I worry. Even yesterday, in Telford, she was playing out with her friends and cousin there and I had told her to stay where I could see her, but everyone was saying she'd be fine, everyone knows us round here and nobody would dare hurt her? Theres me thinking, any stranger could be wondering around and do all sorts to her. Why is it only me with the irrational thoughts?? It doesn't help that I'm pregnant because my emotions are all over the place but I must have looked a right idiot yesterday!!!

Anyway, I'm off to get ready, got to go shopping this morning, but could really do without it. Today is my only day off.

Speak to you all later.
Love, Linda.xxx

11-09-05, 11:57
Hi Linda,
Sorry you had such a stressful day yesterday. I can't help with how protective you feel about your kids as I don't have any kids but I'm sure many mothers feel as you do. My best friend has a four year old and she won't let him out of her sight, and worries when he hurts himself. She doesn't suffer from anxiety at all either.
I guess being anxious and having anxious thoughts could trigger the missed beats, but I'd better leave that to someone more qualified to answer.
Your counsellor doesn't seem very understanding at all. I'd definitely try and find one that offers CBT.
Sorry I can't help more, take care and I hope today is better for you.
Love Lisa x

11-09-05, 12:05
Hi Lin,

As the worlds most over protective mum (even made all their clothes out of cottonwool) I know exactly where you are coming from.

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

11-09-05, 17:43
Hi Linda

I feel for you that your missed beats are still bad you seem to be under a lot of stress maybe thats why your getting alot of them. Mine have calmed down alot now when i get angry i get them alot. You may be right about your councellor not helping when you say he just wants to hear about you, what is going on in your life is about you people around you kids,friends, family he needs to listen to that it effects you. Try to see if a different councellor will help. You were right to be concerned about your son banging his head i would be and i think i would be in a state as well.

I can't say not to worry to much because i know you will, Just try and be calm if you can and think positive things with new baby on the way you need to be strong for hubby and your other children. I'm sure you will be fine.

Take care hun

linda xxx

12-09-05, 07:41
Thanks for everyones support so far, I really appreciate it.

Yesterday, I had a totally relaxing day - apart from going shopping where I dropped a 4pint of milk at the checkout!!!! - and only did the dinner and not much else, just sat about really. Then WHAM last night about 8.00pm the missed beats were back and my heart was beating irratically again, not fast, but all over the place. In the end i went to bed at 9.00pm and after a couple more episodes it did pass, but I am so fed up of it doing this EVERYDAY. They really are scaring me again and I really think there might be something wrong.:(

I'm back at work today but I won't overdo it, just wish I could feel better.


12-09-05, 10:09
Hiya Linda

Know exactly where you are coming from, I over react a little with my kids and have terrible thoughts if something like that happens. I even had a minor panic attack this morning because my oldest had to walk to school on his own. I made him text me when he got there. How daft is that, he's twelve and bigger and taller than me, and can certainly look after himself LOL.


Will I ever escape this?
Will I ever be free?
Wake me up from this nightmare.
Please just give me the key!

13-09-05, 01:57

Sorry you are not doing too good. Text me mate and we will get through this together. If you havent got my mobile number send me a pm and i will send it to you mate.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

13-09-05, 08:10

Thanks Mandie and Sal, for listening.

I think I had a bad few days but am coming through it again, I don't feel so anxious and I am calming down a bit.

I can't help but worry about the forthcoming birth - even though its 6months away - but I am trying to be positive and tell myself it'll be fine. Also, as usual I am still worried about the missed beats and this is where I constantly need the reassurance and understanding of why they happen and how they REALLY CAN'T BE DANGEROUS. So, Meg if you're around, I'd be really grateful of your advice on whats been happening lately. Sorry to keep needing this, but maybe one day it will sink in.

Love, Linda.xxx

13-09-05, 09:04
Lets look at your track record..

You've been having these for several years now and several times most days - thats an awful lot of missed beats in that time with no lasting problems or weaknesses.

Between times you feel ok apart from the constant worry about the next ones.

You've been checked out medically several times and been told that it is not dangerous or cause for undue concern and you may now see a cardiologist too who will give you his expert opinion on them.

Each time you have a run of these it passes and you are fine again.

I know it is soo hard to put it at the back of your mind where you acknowledge the runs of missed beats each time but don't put any value to them and just really try treat them as if it were an insignificant but inconvenient run of sneezes.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

13-09-05, 20:44
Thanks for that Meg, I really did need your reassurance AGAIN on this one.

Just had another major panic, my four year old banged his head yet again, this time on the wall and at the back of his head and even ended up with a lump. My husband has told me to stop stressing everytime one of them hurts themselves but I just can't help the negative thoughts starting again and letting myself get in a state worrying.

Love, Linda.xx

14-09-05, 00:31

Keep in touch and hopefully we can talk soon. Will pm you my number. You are doing really well hun.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

14-09-05, 07:46

Another day.....

My little boys up and talking ten to the dozen. Why do I have to worry about every bump???? I read the odd story in the paper where a freak accident ended in disaster and I let it play on my mind if something similar happens to one of mine. I must try to calm down about them. How will I cope with another one like this?? Actually, I must admit I am less over-protective now than I used to be, so maybe I am getting a bit better. I think a lot of my anxiety over the kids stems from losing my mom when I was pregnant with my daughter. When she was born I was so over protective, you wouldn't believe. I couldn't risk losing anyone else close to me, and thats still how I feel now about my kids, but intensely if that makes any sense??

Anyway, sorry to ramble, I haven't even got time to be on here really got to get kids sorted and I'm going to work.

Sal, I did text you yesterday, have you changed your number?

Love, Linda.xxx

14-09-05, 09:21
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">
I know it is soo hard to put it at the back of your mind where you acknowledge the runs of missed beats each time but don't put any value to them and just really try treat them as if it were an insignificant but inconvenient run of sneezes.
<div align="right">Originally posted by Meg - 13 September 2005 : 09:04:54</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I like that - it's so true that once you take the element of fear out of a symptom it just seems to fade away.

Love Piglet xx

14-09-05, 09:25
Mmm I need to take that advice on board too!


I'm sorry I can't be much help to you but I am thinking of you ok.
Take care,

Love Lisa x

14-09-05, 12:39
Me to LOL [^]


Will I ever escape this?
Will I ever be free?
Wake me up from this nightmare.
Please just give me the key!

15-09-05, 08:39
Hi Everyone,

I was soooo tired yesterday after work, I couldn't even be bothered to sign on the internet!!!!

Anyway, I was in bed just after nine and must have been asleep before 9.30 cus I missed Super Nanny, but then I woke at 11.30 and couldn't get back to sleep for ages then again at 3.00am. When I eventually had to get up at 7am I felt like I'd not had not enough sleep again. I felt a bit headachy and light headed and now I've started feeling the flutterings in my chest again. I haven't felt my pulse up to now, but I know they're irregular beats and they're scaring me again. They make me feel all shaky. I don't seem to know anyone else who gets them as often as me....PLEASE IF ANYONE ELSE EXPERIENCES SYMPTOMS LIKE MINE PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME AND LET ME KNOW HOW YOU COPE.


15-09-05, 10:02
Morning Lin,

You have to draw comfort from the way your doc and the hospital are viewing this ie; with no urgency.

I know its really horrible and scary but the fact you've had this for so long and are still here should reasure you.

Big squeeze hun.

Love Piglet :)

15-09-05, 17:53
I really hope someone can get back to me on this one. As I put earlier, I had got the fluttering feelings this morning. They disappeared for a while but just after lunch, they came back really bad. I was occupied, so it wasn't like I was thinking about them. I was at work and dealing with customers and a delivery. Anyway, at one point, I felt my pulse, which I know I shouldn't really do, but I could feel the missing beats and the pause was for about 2secs. It felt like forever and they carried on like this for about two hours. They really scared me this time, again and I can't understand how they are not damaging my heart. Meg, I know you are probably totally exassperated with me, but I really could do with your advice. I wouldn't mind so much if I was only getting them every few days or weeks, but I get them most days and this just doesn't seem right. I am not overly anxious at the moment and I am getting as much rest as possible. I just don't know what else to do. Also, PLEASE PLEASE if there is anyone else who gets these symptoms as much as me, please reply so that I know that I'm not on my own.


15-09-05, 18:04
Hi Linda

Ive been getting similar symptoms to you and others which are even more distressing to me for several days now,in fact way over a week.My heart feels like its jumping around,i am very breathless but it feels like its coming from my stomach,any ideas why this would be?I feel like im gonna choke.Its a struggle to get through every day.My pulse is fast then it seems to slow right down and pause then start again.Im also petrified.I get the fluttering in my chest,throat and under my arm?!
Just wanted to let you know you are not alone.Maybe you have some insight for me?
Love Hunny x

Oh,and also.I dont feel anxious(well obviously i do about these symptoms)but otherwise fine.Im sure theres something dreadfully wrong with me[V]

15-09-05, 19:33
Hi Linda

I have them every day of the week and today aswell for me is an especially bad day, its really scaring me and I keep crying on my hubby.

Try and think about all the advice meg and everyone has given and try to relax. Don't really know what else to say as I am struggling with them aswell and can't cope myself

Take care



Will I ever escape this?
Will I ever be free?
Wake me up from this nightmare.
Please just give me the key!

16-09-05, 08:02

Thanks Hunny and Mandie.
Hunny: I can't relate to all of your symptoms only the fluttering heart, really. I don't get scared if I feel the fluttering anywhere else ie eye - because I know thats only a muscle that can't do me any damage by fluttering....does that make sense?

Mandie, sorry to hear you're suffering too. Why can't they just disappear and leave us alone? Do you worry there is something more wrong with you than everyone thinks? Can it really only be anxiety that causes them? I feel ok so far this morning, but had planned to go into town - I don't start work till 1pm on a Friday - but don't know if I'm brave enough after yesterday. I know thats silly and its not like me to avoid, but they really did scare me. Also, there doesn't seem to be many other people with 'our' symptoms anymore does there? I know I've had them for a long time but I sometimes wonder if they are getting worse now, because I can't remember how they used to be. Also, the day that I did the 24hr tape (three years ago now) could have been a 'good' day and then they wouldn't have found much anyway, would they?

Sorry to go on. I'm hoping that Meg will shed some more light on the events of yesterday and try to calm me down.

I phoned NO PANIC yesterday as well and I'm waiting for the pack to come. The person I spoke to on the helpline didn't know anything about missed beats so couldn't help, but I'm sure there will be someone there who will know about them.

Take care, Love,

16-09-05, 08:15
*I felt my pulse, which I know I shouldn't really do, but I could feel the missing beats and the pause was for about 2secs.*

If your normal heart beat is 60-70 bpm, thats just over 1 a second so if you were to miss a beat or two, it would be right that it would be a couple of seconds until the next one.

Also if the volume of blood was less than normal in a beat , you might not feel that beat down in your wrist pulse even though there was a heart beat.

When you see the cardiologist you could ask for an event monitor which is similar to a 24 hr tape but you press when you feel a irregularity so those sections can be examined closely.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

16-09-05, 08:54
Thanks Meg,
I don't feel my pulse in my wrist I tend to feel it in my neck where you can feel it more strongly. Does that make any difference to your answer? Also, its not definite that I will see a cardiologist, it will all be up to what the consultant thinks when I see him on 27th September. Do you think I need to see one with the things that are happening to me? When I had the 24hr tape done before I had to press a button when I thought I felt anything but I can't remember now if I used to feel like this or not??? These things are so confusing.


16-09-05, 09:02
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote"> Also, there doesn't seem to be many other people with 'our' symptoms anymore does there? I know I've had them for a long time but I sometimes wonder if they are getting worse now, because I can't remember how they used to be.

I phoned NO PANIC yesterday as well and I'm waiting for the pack to come.

<div align="right">Originally posted by linjane - 16 September 2005 : 08:02:00</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Morning Linda,

I think lots of people on the site do have these symptoms but maybe have other issues that worry them more. The heart symptom is what sends most of us scurrying to the doctor in the first place, only to be told anxiety!!! It is certainly what brought me to the site and has sent me to my GP many times.

Mine do seem to come in phases - had them lots in April and May and felt very low and scared at that time incase mine were something different from other peoples!!!

Perhaps after you see the cardiologist you may feel better.

Good that you got the pack from NOPANIC I'm now on the waiting list and felt like ticking every box for the pick a problem!

Love Piglet xx

16-09-05, 17:01

I definately think that mine are something else, I can't quiet crasp that it is only anxiety.

Especially when I went to bed last night not to bad and have woke up this morning being unable to breath properly and my heart is going more thant usual.

How can it just do this when I don't feel anious or scared until this happens

I feel like I am banging my head up against a brick wall. I don't know what to do anymore.

Sorry for going on again



Will I ever escape this?
Will I ever be free?
Wake me up from this nightmare.
Please just give me the key!

16-09-05, 17:21
Hi Mandie,

Thats how I feel too. I wish there was a magic cure for them.....

You mentioned your breathing thing. Is it when you can't seem to take a deep breath in? I've had that, once for about two weeks, but I really don't think that is anything I remember suffering with that years ago, before I knew I suffered with anxiety. I also used to feel worse at certain times of the month, which is why I'm more bothered now, being pregnant because I thought I would have been better.

Today wasn't nearly as bad as yesterday, but still felt the odd missed beat. I did manage to go into town though, thank goodness, because once I start avoiding things I will defo be on a downward spiral.

I didn't mean to belittle anyone elses symptoms by saying that there didn't seem to be many other sufferers of the ectopics. I remember when I first joined there were a few of us, but they've all seemed to drift away and theres only me and few left.....[V] I just hope they are anxiety and nothing else.

Anyway, got to cook the dinner now.

Take care,

16-09-05, 18:10
Linjane ,

Is it an obstetric consultant then on the 27th?

If you really want to see a cardiologist then make a big fuss with this one, say its affecting you 24/7 through worry and ask him to refer you.

They don't want unhappy, stressed pregnancies.

The event monitor usually goes on for more than 24 hrs.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

17-09-05, 07:58
Meg - yes its the obstetrics consultant on 27th. Its to discuss what care they will be giving me, because of what happened with Cory, ie more scans than normal. I will talk to him about the ectopics and see what he says. Do you think there is anything that they can do and do you think that there is something not right now?

I've got another long day today. Firstly, got to take kids to mom in laws in a bit, then I'm off to work. Then collect kids and then off to another friends childs bday party, so its going to be about 10pm before I get in. I think that being tired is not helping my anxiety/missed beats etc.. Also, I didn't get much sleep again last night, for once I couldn't get to sleep, it must've been bout 12midnight, then I was awake again at 4.30am and up at 6.30am? Do you think this is a pregnancy thing?

Anyway, better get on or I'll never be ready. At least I've done my shopping on-line at tesco's so it'll come tomorrow, so more trips to the shops for big a shop!

Love, Linda.x

17-09-05, 10:41
I don't think there is anything different than before, but as the opportunity is there on a plate to get a direct referral, use it to get yourself reassurred from a specialist.

Hope your day goes well


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

18-09-05, 09:46

Yesterday wasn't too bad after all. I only felt really tired driving back last night and by the time I actually got home, I couldn't keep my eyes open!!

I think I've got a cold now, both the kids have had one, so I'm bound to be next and I've got a headache!!! Poor me, eh, lol!!!

I'm not going to do much today, got loads of ironing that needs doing, but thats about it really, housework will have to wait.

I've still had missed beats on and off yesterday and a couple since waking up this morning and they do still concern me, but must keep plodding on. I'm over the 'danger' 3months in my pregnancy now, so only 7wks to go until I get to 20wks, which is when we lost Cory. After that, only about 19wks to the birth, cus of having c-seciton I will have the baby at 39wks......still scared of that and even dreamt about it the other night!!!

Anyway, better get off here now, hubby around and can't understand what I do on here. Men!!!

Hope everyone else is ok.
Take care,
Love, Linda.xxx

23-09-05, 12:29
hi Linda

I have been reading all your posts i really feel for you with the ectopics for the last few days i have only had the odd 1 or 2 i don't seem to be to stressed now my hubby deals with the kids most of the time now, that was where i was getting most stressed so the ectopics have calmed Do you get stressed alot? i think worrying about the baby may be causing alot of it and i know you can't help that with losing your last baby but try to be calm if you can it does help. I had a c-section with my last child but i didn't have time to think about it as it was an emergency, that must be hard for you thinking about that. I can't say they won't go away as mine may come back hopefully not though.

take care hun

linda xx feel free to pm me