View Full Version : Still losing weight, so worried. Help!

02-07-09, 08:55
I wasn't eating for ages so lost loads of weight. I have been eating now for weeks. Was banned from the scales by doc and family as I worried so much when I saw I had lost more weight. This morning I was sure I had put some on and I went and got on the scales!!! I so wish I hadn't. I have lost another 2 pounds. What happens if this goes on and on... why is it happening? Can just anxiety make you lose weight. I walked a lot last week too.. maybe I have cancer or something awful...Help! I maybe don't eat as much as I used to, but I even eat bad fattening things to try and put on a bit....:weep:

02-07-09, 10:05
Anxiety can make you lose health indeed, but you must also remember its normal for your weight to Fluctate between 2-3 Kilo's or so, atleast it is for me. Some days I weigh 69, the next 71 ect, Losing weight scares me alot aswell especially at the start I thought I was losing weight rapidly, but now I think about it... A few month's ago when I was most afirad I weighed about 69 and thought I was losing weight fast!...Right now im 71 KG's and I still get afraid at times. Although the proof is there, im not losing weight at all, its just fluctating dueue to toilet & stuff ^^

P.S. I eat ALOT and I can still lose weight between days, heck fi I eat less I lose weight so fast its scary :P

You'll be fine if your doctor said so, My doctor banned me off the scale aswell, and I decided to obey till I could handle it :P



02-07-09, 10:35
I wasn't eating for ages so lost loads of weight. I have been eating now for weeks. Was banned from the scales by doc and family as I worried so much when I saw I had lost more weight. This morning I was sure I had put some on and I went and got on the scales!!! I so wish I hadn't. I have lost another 2 pounds. What happens if this goes on and on... why is it happening? Can just anxiety make you lose weight. I walked a lot last week too.. maybe I have cancer or something awful...Help! I maybe don't eat as much as I used to, but I even eat bad fattening things to try and put on a bit....:weep:

Hey listen dont worry

Anxiety makes you lose weight big time - even when you are eating!!! Reason....your whole metabolism speeds up when you are worrying and dont say you arent because you are. :hugs: The very fact that you are fixated on the fact that you are not gaining weight is the reason whey you are not gaining weight. You are burning up hundreds of calories with you body on high alert waiting for a catastrophy relating to your health......it really doent seem to be coming sweetie!! So you havent gained any weight and the only reason is that you are stressed and worried.....whats so bad about that?

Do some things you enjoy and look foward to getting back to normal!

02-07-09, 20:04
This is happening to me too! Since last year I have lost 1 stone and 4lbs for one reason or another. When I changed my medication I didn't feel like eating and lost quite a lot of weight, maybe over 1/2 a stone.

I weigh myself often and today I had lost more. I weighed in at 7 stone 12.25 lbs. I am now normally about 8. I thought I had bowel cancer and that was why I was loosing so much weight. Now i know that it is the anxiety and that actually I am not eating as much as I was and my partner thinks still not enough!!

On the flip side I was over weight for my height and now feel much better. Obviously you need to be careful about your weight but if the dr has advised you not to get on the scales KEEP OFF THE SCALES!!

02-07-09, 20:24
nervouse energy alone is responsible for 400 to 600 calories a day so even if you dont move a muscle you will burn that so stop worrying and you will put weight on 5 weeks of worrying and I lost 5 kg and been eating for 2 weeks and have lost another 1 kg but havent got cancer just body getting back into a normal rythm befor it can absorb the goodness in the food, get some supplement shakes they are full of energy and if you have 1 a day with food not instead

02-07-09, 20:40
Thank you all for your replies. I'm sure it must just be the anxiety as you all seem to agree!! I definately won't be standing on those scales again. It's not worth the fright I give myself when they don't say what I want them to.:blush: xxx