View Full Version : Zoloft for Health Anxiety

02-07-09, 10:35
Hey all,

As mentioned in my intro post, i'd like to know how people with health anxiety respond to Zoloft. Does it help most people or is it more for depression?

I'm about to see a psychologist in a few weeks and wonder if combining Zoloft with these sessions will make a good combo for recovery.

Lately my HA has gone downhill thanks to calf numbness, toe tingling and cramping hands sending me in a downward spiral of MS worry.

Very over it, so if Zoloft may help I'd be willing to give it a try.

02-07-09, 11:05
Im taking Sertraline which i think is uk Zoloft. I find it helps an awfull lot with anxiety and keeping me functioning almost as normal. Took a few months and am on 100mg daily, which is one dose up from basic dose. As far as I am aware SSRI'S are all similar for anxiety and depression its just that different people can respond different to each type but my doc reckons that they are the best treatment for anxiety disorders alongside cbt. The thing is its very hard to see where the treatment helps and where you help yourself when you are getting cbt so i dont actually know where the division lies, i just feel a lot better


02-07-09, 11:42
Thanks for taking the time to reply, these forums really do help i think.

03-07-09, 02:35
anyone else have any experiences with Zoloft + Health anxiety?

03-07-09, 05:25
I am not on Zoloft right now but I took it a few years ago and I didn't feel that it did anything for me. I stopped it and didn't take anything for about 5 years until just 3 weeks ago I was put on Paxil. I think every medication affects people differently. I feel absolutely great on the Paxil and I think it's the best decision I've ever made. I'm not saying for you to do Paxil instead but it is an SSRI as well. Maybe just talk to your doctor and ask what he/she suggest before you go ahead and throw out a medication name. They might have a better idea of what will work best for you. I think certain SSRI's might be known to work a little better for anxiety than others.

Another thing for health anxiety that has helped me a lot is mind over matter. As hard as it sounds, it really does help. For example, when you have the urge to Google...do NOT let yourself do it! Remind yourself that you will only make your anxiety worse if you do. If you really seek advice or reassurance, come post on here. Everyone is always willing to help. Also, I don't know how bad your HA is but I've managed to convince myself of multiple ailments all at once. I coped with this by telling myself that it would be simply impossible to have, say, 8 cancers at once :)

Good luck to you! Hoped I helped a bit. :bighug1:

04-07-09, 02:52
Thanks heaps for taking the time to reply.
I'm also an expert at thinking i've got 8 things wrong with me once :blush:
Today is a bit better than most, but lately i've been obsessed with MS and other such things like cancer. Even though my Dr told me a definitely don't have it - I'm still not sure.
Hoping this week will be a step in the right direction - going to a psychologist and the DR again to discuss meds.

Thanks for your advice re medication, it's good to know how other have responded.

Hope you're doing well, and thanks again for the reply.