View Full Version : toes

02-07-09, 11:56
Plase can someone give me there opinion about something thats worrying me quite a bit today.

I have noticed that the last few days my second and third toes - from my big toe are a bit numb and i keep feeling like the blood isnt flowing there properly. I just want to know if I am right to assume that its becuase I have been wearing sandals that have a bit that wraps around my big toe and puts quit a lot of pressure there. Im hopeing that its putting pressure on the nerve there and that its not that my circulation is poor

sorry, quite scared:weep:

02-07-09, 12:18
Similar 'toe' tingle/numb problems myself at the moment. I'd say your sandals did this one!

Vanilla Sky
02-07-09, 13:18
Sandals for sure

02-07-09, 15:32
Thanks guys

Me and my anxiety!!


06-07-09, 21:11
Hi there,

I have had this to for the past 3 days and wondered what it was but I to have been wearing sandals so maybe that is what it is.


06-07-09, 22:38
Sometimes a couple of my toes go numb and I get pins and needles in them. It's probably just your sandals.

07-07-09, 17:38
It is your sandals and how you are keeping your feet. Mine do that if I sit a certain way for a long amount of time. My hands do it too....especially in my sleep.