View Full Version : water....

10-09-05, 15:25
Just recently I feel like I must carry water or some form of drink with me when I leave the house in my car, walking around....the reason in my head is I may choke if I dont have it otherwise??.

Im desperatley telling myself to not be so stupid.....but the other day walking through town I didnt have a drink and I panicked....thus triggering an anxiety symptom-tightness of the throat...any advice?. Am carrying on as normal and carry mints and chewing gum as well to keep my mouth active?.

I went to manchester airport last night to pick someone up with boyf and purposley didnt take a drink in the car and was ok...so is it a case of repeating this and showing myself that Its all ok??. any advice guys!!XKX

10-09-05, 15:33
Hiya Kirsty Hun,

I always carry around a small bottle of tap water everywhere I go.

I used to carry coke (as in my head this was helping with the dizzyness) but have worked out it only dehidrates me and i feel worse for it!

So i always fill up a small bottle and leave in the fridge to take with me, even if its just going in the car with my fiance to my parents or whereever - my faithfull bottle of waters comes as well!! it is like my 3rd arm! hehe

I think it is al phsycological tho - there has been a couple of times ive forgoten to take the water - and im fine til i realise that i have forgotten it!

It helps with my anxiety when out.

Tatty B xx

10-09-05, 15:37
First off, dont think u r stupid for thinking irrational thoughts! its okay to feel like ur going to choke....even though it may be really uncomfortable.
i dont see nething wrong with having to carry water or some other liquid around.
And for the tight throat, it IS just a symtom...nerves...so do some deep slow breathing while u r walking around or distract urself by ur surroundings so u can block out the panic.
Hope this helps??~Love ya, Amanda~

10-09-05, 15:39
I always take water with me too, not because I think I'll choke otherwise but because it makes me feel less anxious knowing I have a drink with me..It's not silly at all!! It's good for you :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

10-09-05, 16:17
thanks folks...I'll carry on taking my trustee bottle with me!!. like you say Sarah its good for you!. XkirstX

10-09-05, 19:17
we talked about this at the Midlands meet up - we all had water with us! We all just said it made us feel better to have it with us, for whatever reason. And like everyone has said, it's good for you so why not!

Tam x

10-09-05, 19:35
I have a bottle of water on the ready at all times, even at the side of the bed at night. I think my reason is because I seem to be really hot when I start to get anxious so I feel it helps when I start to feel funny. It might just be all in my head but if it helps that good init. Rathar have a bottle of water than a panic attack.

Take Carexx


"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

10-09-05, 22:53
Hi kirgray

No your definately not alone i take water with me as well. I do find it helps plus they say you should drink around 2 litres a day! Don't think I'll carry that much around though! LOL

Take Care,


13-09-05, 22:31
Hey Kirgray,
You know what is funny, I myself feel the same way with the water situation...I actually am so comforted by water, that as soon as I feel an attack, I put water on my face, neck, shoulders, sometimes I just jump in an ice cold tub with my clothes on just so I can get a bit of a shock to snap out of it. I find myself completely comforted by it. You're not alone with that. Everyone else who has responded has the same feeling towards water :) It's quite funny if you really think about it.

Shannon Griffin

14-09-05, 05:56
I too carry something to drink with me at all times. I think that for me it's more because I dry out so easily and I just have to have something to drink constantly. I'm not sure if it is the way I am breathing while I am out or what but it is a real pain.


17-09-05, 23:11
It's nice to know it's not just me - I tend to do the sighing thing when I'm anxious and you can't if you're drinking so helps me to stop but as a plus my skin has never been so clear! lol

19-09-05, 10:43
I usually carry a bottle of water and if I'm feeling panicky I'll put a few drops of rescue remedy in. At the end of the day water can't harm you so there's no point in giving yourself extra anxiety over it [8D] I am a firm believer in the healing power of water, should it be drinking it or having a bath when I'm feeling anxious. Water is like my security blanket

"You die if you worry and you die if you don't"