View Full Version : My daughter bit me!

02-07-09, 19:31
My 3 year old daughter bit me today during a tantrum. It really hurt and I was very shocked and then my HA hit big time. It is not a deep bite (as you would expect) and there was only a pin prick of blood. My partner said not too worry. I have put some savlon on but feeling very sorry for myself. It just looks like it has brought the blood to the surface. Just want some reassurance as I have been fighting HA all day and have done really well not to do loads of checking of my mole ... !!!!!

If it's not one thing it's another!!

02-07-09, 19:39
It will be fine.

02-07-09, 19:58
You will be absolutely fine. Kids can be little monkey's hun but a bite like that will do you no harm at all apart from hurting.

Take care

02-07-09, 20:06
Thank you x