View Full Version : Feel queasy!!!

02-07-09, 19:44
Hi there,

I'm suffering from depression & anxiety. I've started having more good days than bad so know that I am on the way to recovery. Although today, as on some other 'good' days I've got a sick feeling in my stomach - a queasiness(?) and a feeling of something being not right. Could anyone give me tips on how to cope with this or even tell me what this is.

It's spoiling my good days. Everything/anything will be appreciated greatly


02-07-09, 20:58
I have something very similar, ive been getting better but i have this constant dread of something. I seem to have completely changed in the past week, not enjoying things i usually do, thinking about future and stuff thats just making me feel really bad. I want to stop thinking about it, but it wont go away and i dont think it ever will until i do something drastically about it.

The feeling is like you think one of your pets has been killed or something, nervous, you think your heart rate is wrong and stuff like that. I find the only thing that helps is watching funny things or hanging around with family.

03-07-09, 09:32
thanks - it's awful isn't it especially when you feel that you are improving!!!

03-07-09, 09:47
i get that feeling quiet alot, feeling sick but not like your gonna be sick and a light headiness feeling comes with it. I used to go to bed with it but that was just awfull as my mind seemed to think about it more and the symptoms just got worse. Now i take some deep breaths, suck a sweet and try to do something that i have to use my brain for like writing a letter, surfing the web or in my case doing some bookwork. i find whilst im concentrating on something else the symptoms get better or go away

03-07-09, 11:03
Thanks - off to sort out filing then to read a book. Hope to feel a bit better then
