View Full Version : Fainting (Syncope_

02-07-09, 21:07
I think I origially posted this in the wrong forum I hope this is the right one.

Has anyone ever fainted at the wheel of their car and were you allowed to drive again. My husband fainted a few weeks ago whilst driving he knew it was about to happen and managed to get the car onto a slip road but still passed out before the car stopped completely my daughter had the presence of mind to pull the hand brake on. At the hospital he was examed given an ECG and 12 hour heart monitoring, blood tests and blood pressure taken everything came back clear. He left the next day and the doctor told him he thought it was just a simple faint and not to drive for 4 weeks. Since then he has seen his doctor had another normal ECG and more blood tests all of which were clear. He's now had a letter from the DVLA wanting to know what happend (the police informed them) he has filled in a questionnaire and given them additional information but we are worried they will stop him from drivng for longer as it happened while he was at the wheel. We think it happened because he was suffering a stomach bug picked up from our granddaughter who had it at the time as he was ill with it for the next few days. Anyone else been in this situation.

02-07-09, 21:24
This hasn't happened to me, but did happen to a friend. She wasn't allowed to drive for a while. She had an MRI scan and nothing was found. The 'passing out' was due to a viral infection!! Once the DVLA were informed she was allowed to drive again.Oh by the way she was pulling out of a junction at the time, and didn't even know it was going to happen - very scary!