View Full Version : do you get this

02-07-09, 22:02

what a crap day!!!! you would think by now id no everything there is to no about b....y anxiety,and what comes with it,and more!!!!!

has any one experienced this,iv had this on may occassions and wonderd if its common.

my friend came round and we were chatting when i had an overwhelming feeling and her voice was making my head spin,and im thinking just go (i felt really horrible) but i was getting more and more adjitated,whilst trying to look normal and interested in the conversation:unsure: .

been signed off work AGAIN!!!!!!:mad: for a week.

i dont no if its an age thing,but as iv got older i seem to cave into the anx more than when i was younger,then i could get through the day even though i felt horrible,now first sign and im bolting for home.

its a strange world:wacko:

love skyxx:flowers:

02-07-09, 22:44
Hi! Yes I have had this quite often. I get more and more worked up and feel like saying "oh for goodness sake go away and leave me alone!" or if I'm out and someone speaks to me for long I just feel like I want to run away and leave them standing there talking to themselves!!:blush: I end up talking a lot of rubbish 'cos I can't even concentrate on what people are saying to me and give answers that don't have anything to do with what they were talking about!!!!:shrug:

Lion King
02-07-09, 23:37
I have this problem but not as bad as 6 months ago where I couldn't even hold a conversation as the anxiety was that bad. Now when I get into conversation and have to listen I can feel the anxiety creeping in again, I think its a matter of practice to ignore this and remember to relax and breathe properly to drop the level of anxiety. This is working for me but it is taking time, but these things can't be rushed!

Hope you are both well!

Lion King

03-07-09, 03:50
Definitely had that before, especially when the anxiety comes on really fast.
Couple times i was at a party, sort of already feeling anxious, and socialising was becoming difficult because i felt increasingly drawn in, and sort of just saying the minimal things i needed to say or nodding enough to not give any impression that i felt like i needed to run away :P

03-07-09, 18:00

what a crap day!!!! you would think by now id no everything there is to no about b....y anxiety,and what comes with it,and more!!!!!

has any one experienced this,iv had this on may occassions and wonderd if its common.

my friend came round and we were chatting when i had an overwhelming feeling and her voice was making my head spin,and im thinking just go (i felt really horrible) but i was getting more and more adjitated,whilst trying to look normal and interested in the conversation:unsure: .

been signed off work AGAIN!!!!!!:mad: for a week.

i dont no if its an age thing,but as iv got older i seem to cave into the anx more than when i was younger,then i could get through the day even though i felt horrible,now first sign and im bolting for home.

its a strange world:wacko:

love skyxx:flowers:

when i first began getting panic attacks they were very like this - i would get waves of dizziness and i couldnt concentrate on a conversation. The next time you feel this way - try and stop and listen to your thought process - i guarentee that your negative thoughts are making you feel this way. after you have listened - try and stop feeding yourself with negative thoughts , and your anxiety will get so much better!
