View Full Version : Hello I'm new here!!!

02-07-09, 23:55

I found this website quite by accident. I went to the Dr's today for the first time about how I've been feeling lately and was given some anti depressant tablets and looked them up and thats how I got here. I'm really not sure what I'm supposed to write, not sure about anything much at the mo, so I'll leave it at that for now! But this looks a very friendly and understanding place for me to be right now!


Veronica H
03-07-09, 09:13
:welcome: Bluebird. You will find comfort and support here. Glad that you have found us.


03-07-09, 09:19
Hi & :welcome:

I'm so pleased you found this site. I'm sure you'll find it very helpful and supportive as I have.

03-07-09, 09:28
:welcome: happy to meet you

den 68

03-07-09, 13:41
Thanks you so much for the warm welcome, it really means a lot! :-) Just to know that someone else can understand where I'm coming from and I'm not alone is a start! I have a wonderful husband and 6 beautiful kids, but I just feel like I'm more of a burden to them at this moment in time. :unsure:

03-07-09, 14:50
Hi Bluebird,
I found this site by accident too and so glad I did.There's a great chat room and theres alot of information available.
Take care and hope to see you in chat soon.
Carol x