View Full Version : utterly overwhelmed

03-07-09, 11:31
I'm struggling to cope right now.

Last Saturday in the space of an hour, I witnessed

- from the counter at work, part of a machine-gun-armed-police chase.
- the aftermath of a major accident on the North Circular.

struggled home in a torrential thunderstorm.

The accident stirred up my chronic anxiety for those I care about.
The police chase, well, that stirred up PTSD stuff.

Then there's Flu Anxiety. Ditto re anxiety about those close to me.
And my mum sounded like she had a sore throat in the weekly voice message she left for me this morning, although she said she is alright. My mum is 73, and had a stroke 3 years ago.

And to add to it all, my flatmate is being pursued by an energy company for a bill debt that isn't even her responsibility, as she had moved out of the property before the bill period. The energy company even have proof from the letting agent that this was the case, yet they're still hassling her, and threatening debt collectors. I'm petrified of what they might do, particularly if I'm in the flat on my own when they come.

I don't know what to do. I just want to hide under the covers and sleep.

03-07-09, 11:57
hi rosepetal
you sound totally over whelmed by everything at the moment. As for the energy company get the energy company omnibus man involved as they arnt listening to her they may be able to help. Sorry i cant say anything else, i would say try to relax bit i know how annoying it is when some one tells you to do that.
sorry your feeling so stressed out, hope you feel better later
den 68

03-07-09, 13:18
Oh dear. It sounds as if you have a lot going on right now. I can really understand why you are anxious. That would be enough ot make even the most relaxed person anxious. I think in these situations it is best to look ahead to the future. In a couple of weeks time things probably won't seem no where near as bad. In the meantime, take care. Hugs :bighug1: Rachel

03-07-09, 13:57
I am so sorry to hear you are feeling bad. I completely understand and know how you are feeling. I am in the same sort of situation right now with loads of things all getting on top of me.

With regards the flatmate, she needs to get a copy of her lease agreement from the previous letting agent and send a copy to the energy company along with your current lease, then you have covered all dates, she should also call the energy ombudsman and ask their advice, then when she speaks to the energy company she can state she has spoken the ombudsman. It is unlikey that debt collectors will come. This happened to me when I rented my flat, there were loads of people after the previous tenant but I had proof of when I moved in so wasn't the person they wanted.

Hope this helps a bit.
S x