View Full Version : postural orthostatic hypotension

03-07-09, 12:58
the doc say i am having imbalance of ear, but i think i have postural orthosatic hypotension, does it make sense? becos my symptoms happens every morning (these 4 days morning), the moment i wake up , i feel dizzy. i can't stand, anybody got any idea abt postural orthostatic hypotesnion, will i ever or can it be cured? any medication. doc gave me cinnarizine. it cause my dizziness worse this morning. pls help me.

03-07-09, 13:13
can it be that : not drinking enough fluids causing me to have this postural orthostatic hypotension, becos i remember i drink less and add lots of donuts and spicy food and forgot to drink water for 2 days. could that be the reason, and my face is always warm.

03-07-09, 13:14

What is postural orthosatic hypotension? I have never heard of it.


03-07-09, 15:32
Ihave replied to your other post again Alba.You need to trust you DRs knowlede and take the medications he has perscribed.You also need to read through your posts regarding what food you are eating, You have been given some very good advice over a period of weeks .But you dont seem to be trying to help yourself very much.I dont understand how you can forget to drink water if its hot and you feel warm...? You wont feel well if you are dehydrated . Take better care of yourself .Sue:hugs:

03-07-09, 15:56
can it be that : not drinking enough fluids causing me to have this postural orthostatic hypotension, becos i remember i drink less and add lots of donuts and spicy food and forgot to drink water for 2 days. could that be the reason, and my face is always warm.

WHAT!??? You forget to drink water and replace it with dough nuts and spicy foods? Are you being serious here because for someone who is so concerned over their health to forget something as basic as to drink water for two days is a tad brow raising!!


03-07-09, 17:40
Yes i forget becos i went holiday and becos i am too stress of myslef, i went overboard, i am crazy, stress, i went holiday and ate dougnuts and enjoyed on that spicy food but it is only 2 days, i thought no harm done, i told myslef i let myslef free for 2 days, becos i am so tired of sickness, stress, panic attack , anxiety, dizzy, so that 2 days i just tried to really enjoyed myself, and i not that forgot to drink water but i got so much food to eat and drink coffee so i got no space for drnking water and i thought 2 days is ok, i start drinking next day, never i know it is happeining to me on Monday morning that hsock me badly. i am confused, now i am so scared to wake up tomorrow morning, i hope i won't have that diziness feeling,

03-07-09, 18:25
Alba you dont seem to be taking your replies very seriously.You have been advised not to drink coffe ,as it makes anxiety worse,Yet you continue to drink it.You really need to acknowledge that you need to adapt a healthy eating regime to aid your recovery,Otherwise you wont get better...I hope you enjoyed your holiday.. Sue x

03-07-09, 18:58

Did you feel dizzy when you were on holiday whilst eating the spicy foods and dough nuts? Or did you feel better whilst on holiday?


03-07-09, 20:53
I sometimes get Postural orthostatic hypotension because of my heart meds. it's a sudden drop in blood pressure when you suddenly stand up or have been standing for a very long time,one of the reasons why soldiers feint when on parade.To test whether you have this your Doc. would probably have taken your blood pressure while laying down or sitting then again when you stand up to see if your BP drops or rises.Drinking a glass of water before getting out of bed tends to help.
Has the Cinerazine helped ? if it has then it's most likely not postural orthostatic hypotension but more probably an ear balance problem, if it's not helping you should see your Doc.again and let him/her know.


04-07-09, 01:14
maybe it is not the postural,maybe i am having ear imbalance, any cure?
i took cinnarize few night ago, but the next monring when i wake up i feel so so drowsy giddy worst and dizzy, so i stop taking that, i am taking proponolol now 10mg 3 tims a day. i want to get better but it's not getting better at all. shold i continue with cinnzarize? i think maybe not postural thing, becos my bp been up always. today i wake up late 8am i don't feel much dizziness, i can stand. i drank alot of water yesterday night.

04-07-09, 01:15
if ear imbalance how long i can be cured?

04-07-09, 01:17
during that holdiay i am happy relaxed and eat alot, and sleep very late say 4 hrs of sleep for 2 nights,just enjoying myself so much, and i walk alot, too, i stop anywhere to eat, nice food.then the next day is school day, igot to wake up at 6am then it attack me.maybe i am too tired. could it be too tired cos dizziness?

04-07-09, 01:17
I Am So Stress All I Want Iis To Get Better Get My Brain And Body Back I Am So Lost.

04-07-09, 01:18
When I Wake Up I Always Feels My Heart Beating Fast. Is It Ok?

04-07-09, 10:48

No one here can advise you what medications you should take, that is something only your doctor and advise on.

If your symptoms were relieved when you were on holiday then i doubt very much that it is an ear problem as those things don't go away because you are out of town for a couple of days.

I would say it's all anxiety related (just my opinion). Everything you describe here is related to the symptoms of anxiety.

The key here is to deal with the anxiety. You doctor can discuss treatments, medications, techniques to help resolve these issues.


04-07-09, 13:20
i am so sickly nowadays, it all started with stress @work i thought i am better but again i am strike with this dizziness again, i've bad depression last few months, i thought i hv been ok, but it is coming again, all this panic attack, dizziness, anxiety, during my child school holiday i manage to wake up a little later, but eversince she started school, i wake up at 6am then i have all this problem again, few mths ago, i hv all these problems but it is getting better during the school holidays, now what worried, me most is i still cannot find the answer as why last week i wake up with dizziness that i can't even stand, could it be becos i've so much holidays and wake up 8am for 1mth then 1st day of school woke up at 6am it cos my dizziness. and funny thing, i am so tired and dizzy all day at work, i can't work, can't talk, brain freeze and sleepy all day, i don't know when all of these will be over, i desperately wanting to get well, so i can move on with my life but now i can't even my dad get tired of hearing i am sick everyday, he don't even want to hear when i say i am dizzy, now i got no one to talk to. he say i am young and he say it's all in mybrain, how can that be, i am feeling all this pain, i feel the scared, the dizziness, the tiredness and the sleepy. i just want to be well and healthy again, my hubby don't let me move or go out tdy, he keep on saying i should sleep and rest well, i did that , i slept the whole day today, actually i felt ok, better earlier part, but after i drank a cup of milk i felt dizzy, again, and sleepy again, funnny is each time i wake up i feel good only for 15mins after that i am sleepy again, i went back to sleep and wake up and 10mins later i felt sleepy again, so i slept the whole day today and now i am still very sleepy and drowsy. what is wrong with me. am i too tired, my hubby thinks i am just tired, i don't think so, how can i be tired,when i don't do anything at all. i am just sleepy drowsy, dizzy. that alls.
when i dizzy i get scared and panic. i think i will be happy if i am out of my country here, going for holiday , shopping and see the world. i am sick of having to think oh weekends over, monday is again back to work, i am sick hate to think of that. life so bored. i am hating my job, but i got to work for survival and it is dragging me. could that be why i am sick everyday. i tired to make it happy to go to work(by force, i tell my brain, i am happy to work, need money), but still each time i reach office, i get dizzy spell.

04-07-09, 14:16
Your DR has perscribed Propanolol for the fast heart beat,and the anti depressants for your Anxiety.Tablets sometimes take a while to work so you must give them time.You need to find a way to relax your mind and body,by deep breathing techniques and listening to a relaxation or meditation tape ,regularly through out the day.Gentle exercise ,like going for a walk will stop you from feeling so lethargic.And dont eat sugary foods apart from fresh fruit ,as sugar makes you tired . Hope you feel better soon.Sue

05-07-09, 04:01
strange i still don;t understand why i am having dizziness forever (whole day), sleepy, feeling, is that depression? and i am having very fast heartbeat the whole day, i can feel my heart beating. what is this, could it be depression + anxiety. i try to take that. how to wake up happy, fresh?i feel i am so scared every minute of my life, i am so scared when will i be dizziness again, when will i not be sleepy, i just want better health. i hv been taking medcination making me worst, sleepy and tired.

05-07-09, 11:49
Alba your medication will sometimes make you feel worse for a short while before it gets better.It will work eventually.Read this ,it will help you understand why you are feeling like you are. www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=symptoms) Suex

05-07-09, 11:50
i hv been well from this morning woke up late, and felt fine, suddenly evening time, started to feel bad , first headache in my head feels on top of my head then i start to feel giddy and eyes so tired, actually i have already wake up late tdy, now i feel so so sleepy still, can't open eyes and dizzy, what is wrong with me, i never get a fine good whole day its always something is wrong in the middle of my day, hate this, now feeling out of control. feeling headache and dizzy and lost again , how can i distract myself,my eyes also feel blury, oh no i hv to work tomorrow, i am scared i can't survive tomorrow. i am going crazy again.