View Full Version : Newbie here

11-09-05, 04:48
Hello Everyone!

I am rather new here and can't believe how much I have in common with you all. For a long time I thought I was alone dealing with these crazy symptoms.

I have been suffering from panic attacks for almost 4 yrs now and it first started after my husband had his first heart attack. I was never so scared in my whole life.
I have brought myself to the ER countless numbers of times thinking *I* was having a heart attack.
I have had EKG's, Ultrasounds of my heart, 24 heart monitor and nothing is pointing to my heart. So that's when my GP told me I was suffering from panic attacks.
What really scared me and is also confusing is I could be just watching TV or playing with my kids and all of a sudden BAM.....I start feeling the tight chest my left arm almost feels numb I think I can't breathe my face gets a numb feeling...OMG I get so scared. Sometimes it will last a few mins other times I could feel "strange" all day.
I have feeling something new and was wondering if anyone else has this ....My left leg feels strange. I can't pinpoint what it feels like just strange....It almost feels tight.

As of right now I am NOT on any meds but after having a terrible week of attacks I have an appointment with my GP with coming week because I know I need something to try and help myself. And if I help myself I am also helping my family because I know it effects them especially my husband.

Thanks for listening to me :)


11-09-05, 12:33
Hi Terri,
This is a great site and it has been very helpful to me.

I'm so sorry about your husband and his heart attack. I hope he was able to recover.

Are you seeing a therapist or just your regular doctor? I have found counseling to be a very good thing. I also go to a support group twice a month.

I haven't had the physical symptoms that you have described, but it sounds to me like you may be hyperventilating due to the numb feeling you're getting. I know that I am guilty of holding my breath.

I remember when I was younger and first started having panic attacks, I was convinced something was wrong with my heart due to the palpitations and racing heart. I also had all the tests - the ECG, holter monitor, etc.

Nice to see another American here. ;)

11-09-05, 14:43
Welcome aboard!! Hope we can offer you some good support here :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

11-09-05, 15:46
Hi Terri

I'm new here too. I can relate the pain in your left arm. When I get it it is so uncomfortable and sometimes it really hurts bad. I've also been having attacks for getting on for a week, with each attack coming at night-time. Last night the pain was more at the top of my left shoulder, as if it is slowly moving away from where it started. The whole thing is very scary but I have found that joining this board and reading other people's messages and the info that is on here has helped me a lot. I hope it helps you too. We are definitely not alone here and I find that a huge comfort.

nice to meet you


11-09-05, 19:12
Hello Terri

Let us know how it goes with the doctor this week.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

11-09-05, 20:51
Hiya Terri

Welcome to the site. Let us know how you get on hun


Will I ever escape this?
Will I ever be free?
Wake me up from this nightmare.
Please just give me the key!

11-09-05, 22:17

Welcome to the site.

I'm new too but have found reading other people's postings very helpful, I hope they help you to.

Good luck with the Doc - tell him/her everything! I have been to see my GP on many occasions in last couple of weeks and have tried to be as open as possible, he now understands how bad things have got, has really listened and is now referring me on. Being totally honest with him, has really got him on my side!

Let us know how you get on!

Best of luck


12-09-05, 06:42
Hi Terri

Welcome to the forum. I hope the appointment with your doctor goes well.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

12-09-05, 11:37
A big warm welcome to you :).

I too am a newbie & everyone has been so supportive and helpful. I'm sure you'll get lots of great advice.

Take care


12-09-05, 16:42
hi and welcome to the forum. i have had panic for 3 years now,and i used to freak everytime i had one now i try and just let it pass, i guess you could say i have just learned to live with it and accepted that its part of my life now. i can understand the pain thing although at the moment the pain is at the back/bottom of my neck and is realy bugging me just now,i keep moving my neck to try and be more comfertable but im looking like i have a tic or something lol. anyway, just thought i would welcome you to the site and hope you join us in chat some night.xxxxxx.
