View Full Version : I need some positive reinforcement...

03-07-09, 13:38
Hi All
Its been a while since I was on here and I was doing quite well keeping calm and anxiety free each day. I am working ang living 200 miles from all my friends and family and I have still not settled in so i am looking for a job to move home.

Things were bearable but in the last 6 weeks a couple of horrible things have happened and I am starting to wake up anious in a state of panic and I am scared its going to spiral.

Our beloved family cat died last month and I am heartbroken. I was coping until friday when i was driving to see my family as I do every weekend and a woman worte my car off with me in it, so now I am in pain with my back and I have no car. It was worth very little I won't be able to replace it without cost, i can get it back and fix it but its still expensive and load sof stress. The car is my lifeline to get home at weekends.

Basically all the stress has got me and I am starting to feel aniety more frequently and I'm scared all the panic and anxiety will come back again- its happened twice in the past (one was the first time it happened 5 years ago and one a recurrence 2 years ago after a relationship break up) and both times I took citalopram which worked but I really don't want to be away from all my loved ones with no transport.

I would normally go for a run to combat these symptoms but I can't due to my back. I've seen my GP and she was lovely but I don't want to take the medicine and commit to 6 months of taking it. I hope this is just a blip but you all know how frightening it is and how once you start to worry you can't stop very easily and the general anxiety gets you.

I feel a bit better letting it out but any advice or support would be such a help.

Thanks everyone.

03-07-09, 14:19
Hi there,
yes it is just a blip, and you have the good sense to see it for what it is. No wonder you are feeling rotten after the death of your cat , and then an awful accident which has left you carless and in pain. Go easy on yourself, have you been taking painkillers for your backpain ?? some sorts of painkillers could make your anxiety feel worse. Have you tried reiki , it would give you a sense of deep relaxation and could very well help with your back pain, well worth a go.
Please try to accept your feelings for what they are, reactions to unfortunate events, nothing more , nothing less.

Hope you feel better soon, sending you a big posative hug :hugs:

03-07-09, 14:23
i agree with bingley. I think we are that afraid that we are going to end up where we started that when we have a time of stress or unhappiness we fear the worst when its just a normal reaction that everyone gets when horrible things happen to them

03-07-09, 16:02
Thank you both for your advice, I am trying so hard not to worry.
I have got physio booked for my back and I was thinking of seeing a chiropracter if that doesn't help. I've been trying to avoid the pain killers (for exactly the reason that i am not certain how they may affect my mental state- I guess I could ask a pharmamcist) and use a hot water bottle to ease the pain and stiffness.
I think part of the problem is that i am not back at work yt eso my routine is broken, I am at my mums house, I needed the time off to help with my back pain but it makes me anxious because I am sat round all day doing nothing- except fielding calls from the insurance company etc about my car.
S x

03-07-09, 16:09
Hello Calmcat, what a rotten time you are having at the moment, my heart goes out to you and I can understand your fears. Of course you are going to feel the effects of these two incidents, you would not be normal if you didn't have a reaction, and you may take a bit of time until you get over the shock and again this is quite normal. When I get unexpected traumas in my life I really try and look after myself and talk to someone who really knows you and is willing to listen. Try and be kind to yourself, accept that you are having a rough time and assure yourself that it will pass. When we suffer with anxiety it is difficult to remain positive and I get angry with myself when I don't get better fast like "normal" people do, and yet when I look back at the event I think I did quite well really, and I don't give myself credit for what I have achieved.

I sincerely hope that you will be feeling physically better soon, and that in turn will make you mentally stronger. You have had a nasty shock to your system and it has thrown your whole life out of sync at the moment, but you will recover soon and hopefully will find a new job near your home.

Give yourself time to recover without panicking. :hugs: