View Full Version : Sliding back into depression

03-07-09, 16:20
I have been doing really well recently. I have had many stresses and coped with them well. Sometimes there is a physical price to pay ie I get ill if I have had to deal with something that I have found particularily stressful. I work in a shop. It is very small and the work that we do is specialised. We do a lot of trade with schools including private schools. I had a customer came into the shop to collect her order. The previous books she had ordered were £3.50 each. They have gone up to £5.99 each. I told a colleague that she would go bollistic(sp) at the hike in price. I warned her and showed her the invoice plus the fact I had checked the price on-line. Her response was what I predicted and she told me that the price was wrong and that they would not be buying any more music at that price and that I was wrong. I felt that she was telling me I was wrong. My boss told me he would deal with this but I still feel shaken by the event.I dont think he has dealt with this. The outcome has been that I have started feeling low/depressed again. My Dad whom I have posted about before has been calling 999 with what I think are panic attacks. He is eighty and I've tried deep breathing with him over the phone. All a bit of a disaster as he has been phoning me at 5am wanting to talk. Well with the hot weather and not being able to sleep I'm beginning to feel unwell and unable to cope. Thanks for allowing me to rant. Just feeling sorry for myself. Jane.

03-07-09, 16:36
thanks Tetley for your kind words. I take a lot of things personally. As we are a small shop we know most of our customers very well and most of them are polite and behave themselves. As we know her it is more difficult to argue as she is very forceful. My boss regards himself as being semi retired and isn't in the day to day running of the shop. He is usually very charming so some people will take advantage. I'm not sure what will happen to my Dad as he has other on going health problems. We want to move him nearer to us but he can't cope with the upheaval. I've never used the chat room but I will bear it in mind for the future. Thanks.

03-07-09, 16:44
Im sorry to hear you are having a bad time Elizabeth:hugs: .You seem to have a lot on your plate with your Dad at the moment.Not getting enough sleep in itself will send you on a downward spiral.it does me.If I were you I would have a quiet word with your Boss about what happened ,and ask him if he has done anything about it yet.Explain how upset it has made you ,im sure he will understand. Customers can be very difficult at times but dont take it too personally.People can be very rude....You dont set the prices its not your problem. You need to get some rest and look after yourself now.Does your Dad live on his own? I know how draining it can be to have elderly parents at times.If he is having panic attacks he needs to go and see his Dr.Maybe he can give him something or suggest something that would help him.The weather has cooled down a bit ,so try to get some sleep ,even in the day .I do hope you feel better soon and that your poor Dad gets better.Luv and a big hug :bighug1: Suex

05-07-09, 11:53
anybody would not be happy if the price went up like that: I am sure you wouldn be either.
So maybe if you put yourself on a place of the customer you would feel that everybodies reaction was pretty normal - evem yours - with depression.

Also worrying about your dad is something very big.

Try to take the things as they are and dont blame yourself for anything.

take care

05-07-09, 20:02
Hi I have spoken to my boss and I am feeling much better as he has said that I was not to blame or in the wrong. I have next week off so I'm going to chill out a bit. My husband and I have to clear our loft so that our house can be re-wired but it is all positive. My poor old Dad is no better and calling me several times in the day. I am going to see if I can have a word with his GP. I'm feeling much better but not on the edge and low like I was the other day. Thanks very much. Jane.