View Full Version : Need to get this out of my system

03-07-09, 17:25
As a few of you know i am going through a hard time at the moment.After running my own business for 5 years i have just filed for bankruptcy,something that i found extremely hard to do.Alot of people kept saying to me how easy it is but i simply do not agree and i just need to get out how i am feeling.I worked so hard for my business,its been my life for 5 years and i was very proud of it,it was a florist shop.Then the recession came along with two year long roadworks thrown in as well,i fought and i fought then made myself very unwell in the process then just had to give in.I now find myself in the position of maybe loosing my house,my car and some of my posessions,of answering to the official receiver for what has happened,for them to go through my finances,i know they have to,i know that but it doesnt make it pleasant at all and to see all i have worked for under threat is so frightening.I cant even say i have my health to be thankful for because i dont.What i do have is my children and my beloved dogs and that is what is getting me through.I also have to have a medical as well for my esa benefit on top of everything else,i just feel downtrodden and beaten by it all,what was the point of trying?I sound very sorry for myself dont i but i defy anyone reading this not to feel the way i do.
Sorry but i just had to get that all out,its a horrible very real experience and i wouldnt wish it on anyone.

03-07-09, 17:38
Im so sorry about your bussiness. I know how haRd it is to build one up you put all your love, sweat and tears into it. You never get a day off because there is something to be done all the time And then to loose it well frankly i cant even start to imagine how awful it must be for you. Hang onto your children as no one can take the love you feel for each other away.

06-07-09, 11:25
Im so sorry you are going through all this Alihud.:hugs: Its devastating to loose everything you have worked so hard at .The added worry of bringing up your children alone and not knowing what the future holds must be like a constant nightmare..This recession has caused so many people a lot of stress and heartache.Did the road works restrict access to your shop? if so you would be entitled to compensation.I cant offer you any useful tips about your current financial predicament ,but they will only take items that arent essential for everyday living.Any thing you think of that falls out of this criteria needs to be taken somewhere so they cant get their hands on it,or transfered into someone elses name.My thoughts and very best wishes are with you and I am here if you want to vent any time.Love to you ,you will come through this. hugs Sue:hugs: xxx:bighug1:

06-07-09, 17:42
Hi Ali

sending you a big hug,i have a member of my family going through the same thing although i dont no all the details its an intrusion in to your life,and loosing something very dear to you and you must feel a great loss.

hope things look up
love skyxx

06-07-09, 19:42
Hi Ali,
I know by talking to you in chat just how devastating this has been for you, I wish there was something I could say to ease your worry.
Sending you my best wishes and thinking of you.
Carol xx