View Full Version : Anyone else get this?

03-07-09, 18:38
I have had this before but not for a while. I have like a section of my face (mainly one of my cheeks) that feels sort of heavy and a little numb. I have been quite panicky today and stressed so do you think this is why?

03-07-09, 21:22

03-07-09, 21:44
i have had this going on for a while, i worry about it, its hard to explain what exactly it feels like, but the right side of my face feels heavy, i am constantly looking at it to see if it has changed in appearance, i sometimes imagine that it has, but i am pretty sure its the same as it has alwalys been.

03-07-09, 21:47
Hi Natalie, thanks you have put my mind at rest that some one else has it. Thats exactly what mine is like and I am constantly looking at it to see if it looks different and I too sometimes think it has and have to ask some one to see if it has!
It does feel heavy and sort of like that cheek is being dragged down doesn't it?
It goes away when I don't think about it anyway so I'm almost certain it must be anxiety x

04-07-09, 03:28
the side of my chin near my mouth gets numb and tingly on and off..

04-07-09, 03:49
i get this too and ive noticed that it happens more when im tired.

04-07-09, 09:17
Thanks everyone.

Missy, I agree it does happen more when I am tired x

04-07-09, 21:31
I get this cassy and is just on one side of my face and sometimes end of my nose feels numb.

05-07-09, 02:44
yes, the dragging feeling describes it best. its really scary, and i feel like this around my right eye too. i try not to look to close because nobody's face is totally symmetrical, and i am sure if there was something really going on, it would be pretty obvious not only to me but to other people.

05-07-09, 14:42
i get this too as well .... what is bump?

05-07-09, 17:07
Bab, bump just means I'm bumping the thread up so it doesn't go right to the bottom x

I can't tell you how relieved I am that others get this too! Not that I would wish it on anyone though x

05-07-09, 21:26
Had this before and again yesturday, felt like the left side of my chin was slightly frozen/numb like dental freezing and felt little like it was dragging down even though it wasnt. Lasted about 5-10 minutes.

05-07-09, 22:48
i get this mainly on my left cheek, its so wierd i dont like it but i gues from all these replies its quite common xx

ps thnks for bump explanation xxx

06-07-09, 04:40
oh im also obsessed with looking at pictures of myself now and analyzing whether or not my eyes/face/features seem symmetrical. FUN AND FANTASTIC TIMES. i feel bad for the man who marries me and has to constantly check my pupils. i pity the fool!!!!!!!!!!

hehe nah, i'm a catch;)

07-07-09, 18:20
I get this often, and it gets me all worked up... My Doc says it is my sinus congestion putting pressure on a facial nerve... whatever it is I wish it would just go away!

07-07-09, 19:14
"bump" is to get the thread back to the top...

07-07-09, 21:47
Me To And I Am Scared To Death It Is Ms But I Am Also Sure It Is Tmj Or Anxzity