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11-09-05, 11:13
Hi Everyone

I was so sure i could cope with physical symptoms and it was just the mental ones that i had to contend with,how wrong.
Last week i thought i was going mad,i truly felt like i was going insane.However the last few days my chest has been hurting i have been short of breath and im worried my heart it stuggling.I feel VERY weak and tired,feel like i dont even have the energy to talk.I am so scared.Im so apaced out and my body feels like a lead weight
Please help,is my heart finally giving up?

11-09-05, 11:24
Hi Hunny

Your heart is not giving up, please believe that.. That is the horrible side of anxiety, we tend to believe that dreadful things are going to happen with a very strong conviction.
The way you felt ( going insane or mad ) , I felt that way last night and felt short of breath too.
Anxiety in itself is very tiring, it doesn't mean there's something wrong with your body and its functions.
Is there someone at home or nearby you could talk to? That could help.

Hope you 'll feel better soon.

*He who loses money, loses much; He who loses a friend, loses much more, He who loses faith, loses all.*

11-09-05, 13:33
Hi Florence

Thanks for replying.I have a heart murmur you see,which they have assured me is functional and that i dont have a heart problem.This was just discovered in June.
However,i have been so stressed and ill before and since then that i worry that i have done my heart damage.
I feel so weak i can hardly summon the strength to do anything.I am staggering and i have pain in my chest.
I am terrified i have weakened my heart with stress and that it cannot take any more.I try to relax but its hard to when you are concentrating on it!
I usually talk to my husband about it,but he cant take any more.
I felt ok physically and then this all of a sudden,it must be something bad to feel like this.I even gave reassurance to someone a day ago because they have a heart murmur,and now im really buckleing!!

Im so sorry for droning on.I just feel in despair


11-09-05, 14:44
Oh , I am so so sorry to hear about all this, I didn't know about your heart murmur, I don't know much about it but my son has one, which is harmless, and he 's got more energy than I have!
Maybe you should see your doctor again and talk about your worries and pains, maybe have some tests done ?
Sorry to hear also about your husband , if you don't have support in this difficult time , it makes it even harder huh, just use this forum as much as you can, you 'll definitely have support here.
Take care.


*He who loses money, loses much; He who loses a friend, loses much more, He who loses faith, loses all.*

11-09-05, 14:47
hi hunny im so sorry to hear you are feeling like this at the moment .it is really hard to remember the good days when we are haveing a bad one [V] i have had the same feelings before tight chest eg please try not to worry your not alone take care denise


11-09-05, 14:55
Hi hunny
I dont know what to say only that your not going mad.
I had this feeling today while walking around tesco and i just had to get out.
sorry im not much help.

Gem xxx

11-09-05, 18:49
Hi Hunny

Hope you are ok I fully understand I get chest pains and feel so drained that I literally have to pull myself around-have flu now so thats great!!.

Maybe you could go to see doc to get reassurence Im sure everything is fine tho but its such a horrible feeling!. Im there for you-Pm me!!. Try and tell somebody how you feel it always lifts a bit of worry.

Kirst X

P.S. I ate a whole bag of balsamic onion sensation crisps last night ( whoops!!) and I had heart burn so bad I thought I was having a heart attack-but boyf gave me gaviscon and it cleared upLOL! X

11-09-05, 19:12
Anxiety can be scary and its physical effects can be very scary. Don't let it all fool yourself that you are going insane. Magnified sensativity is the very opposite to madness in my book. The two should not be confused. OK. I hope you feel better soon.


11-09-05, 19:45
Hi hunny.

Hope you're ok and feeling a little better. Have you been to the doctors to tell them about whats been happening the past few days? And that you're worried? My chest feels funny at times and I get short of breath, do you think perhaps I have a heart murmur? And what exactly is one? Hang in there. If you need to chat then don't hesitate to pm.

x x

11-09-05, 20:59
i really feel for you, enough to register and leave you a msg :)

My anxiety started with chest pains, it later turned out that i have a tarcardia - Only because my anxiety is severe.

it can be an underlying sign of your illness, a pulse rate that is always fast. only from time to time you can feel it, when you feel it, then the chest pains can start. (psycological bit kicks in to drive you mad)

i used to go bed at night, unable to sleep, feeling my heart pounding away.

My heart rate has stayed fast, as i now take 200mg of amytryptaline. I did eventually have tests, and saw a heart specialist - which really helped

you may doubt me, but In time its something you can become used too. If you ever need someone to talk to, im always here.

Selina xxx

I know what is around the corner, i just dont know where the corner is.

12-09-05, 09:11
Thank you all so much for taking the time to reply.
I still feel bad,cant stop shaking.My heart murmur has been investigated and i was told my heart ws healthy.
I just worry that the murmur was some sort of warning sign and now the REAL problem has developed because of all the stress.

I cant believe peple have made such an effort to reassure me,it means a lot.
Lu,i dont think you have a heart murmur hun,apparantly its unusual for them to cause symptoms unless you have an actual defect.Your Dr would have picked it up by now.

Lots of love
Hunny xx