View Full Version : Am I Losing My Mind ??? Please Help!

03-07-09, 21:12
Hey every one, i am a HA sufferer and i am permantly worried i have a brain tumor. my dad recently died of a brain tumor so i think thats what set my anxiety off.

basicly i worry about the symptoms that my dad had first, which were memory loss and confusion.
i start to feel a bit confused some times and my head feels a bit muddely ( which makes my anxiety worse)
does any one else expierience confusion.

its so hard to live with this HA because the symptoms that i worry about the most are the ones i get when i get anxious, then i worry more about my anxiety symptoms thinking they are some-thing more (usually a brain tumor)

please some one reply back and make me feel a bit better, i cant talk to no- one else, they wouldent understand

03-07-09, 21:17
Hi Sarah, firstly I am so sorry to hear about your Dad.

When I am feeling panicky and anxious I often feel confused and my head feels muddled, its all part of anxiety.

Have you spoke to anyone about your Dads death and your HA? xx

03-07-09, 21:26
i am on medication for my HA, only a low dose as i was worried of the effects of the meds as i have a young son. i have started counselling, i have only had one session, my nexy one isnt for another week yet.
i thought my anxiety would just come and go and that i would have some good days but they never come.
i have care of my younger sister and today some money went missing, which was probably down to her or some-one she has let in the house. even though this is the logical explination seeing as ive searched the whole house i just cant shake the feeling that ive mis placed it and cant remember, and then that makes me go back to how my dad was and think that im going the same way. i really cant cope with this any more. i just want to go back to living my life like a normal 21 yr old girl:weep:

Vanilla Sky
03-07-09, 22:35
Hi Sarah, I'm sorry about your dad . It has obviously set of your anxiety and the health thing. I think this is common in anxiety sufferers, when we hear of an illness that someone has especially close people we get it into our heads that we are going to get it. If you obsess so much about it, you actually feel yourself getting symptoms which feel so real. Isn't the brain a powerful thing? Think of it this way , if it can be that strong the feelings and symptoms, if we can do that to ourselves , then we are capable of turning it the other way and obsessing about being healthy . You have been under a lot of strain you have just lost your dad and you have a young son also to look after. You were looking for confrimation that something is wrong with you so when that money went missing you homed in on that to convince your self, it could have been something else , either way you would have found something to say to yourself that you are getting ill . You are not going to be ill neither do you have a brain tumour,, you have anxiety and it is now heightened with what has happened to your dad. Its good you are getting counselling , you can say what you want and they wont think that your mad! You will get over this. Come into the chatroom and talk with us we are all in the same situation, you will get support here Sarah , See you in there sometime, you will be that normal 21 yr old again Love Paige xx

04-07-09, 03:55
Hi Sarah.....i have brain tumours every day, i stupidly look up the symptoms then guess what....yep i have them too. now when i go to my gp with it, he looks at me like i have horns lol.

im sure you'll be fine.

take care