View Full Version : hello

03-07-09, 22:16
hello all,

i'm so relieved to have found this site.

a little bit about me - my father passed away last month & i had my first panic attack the week before he died, it was very frightening. since then i have had many more, the worst one was this week.

i spend an awful lot of time on my own, i'm basically looking for support as at present i have my hubby to turn to who is finding things difficult to deal with plus he works away/long hours.

thanks for reading

03-07-09, 23:47

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your father, this must be a very difficult time for you, and now you trying to cope with the horrible effects of anxiety.
I am sure you will find this site useful, there is lots of support and advice, and will help you with your grief and also with your anxiety and you will also make lots of new friends . hope to speak to you soon...

Pauline x :hugs:

Veronica H
05-07-09, 20:19
:welcome: to NMP. So sorry to hear about the loss of your father. You will find comfort and support here.


06-07-09, 08:53
thank you all for your kind words. it seems after reading about anxiety i have had it for many years but its got worse, i'm a bag of nerves lately obviously my fathers illness & passing has contributed to this. after a bad weekend spending most of it arguing with my husband i'm finding it increasingly difficult to cope with everything. there has been a catalogue of traumatic events which has led me to where i am today, i'm exhausted, i want to be free of all this mental anguish & move forward in my life.

i think the thing that i find most difficult to deal with is the way society deals with people who suffer from depression & anxiety, the ignorance is shocking, this in itself makes life more unbearable.

take care all x

06-07-09, 09:11
A huge warm welcome to nmp

you'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way

so sorry to hear about your father.

best wishes

di xx

06-07-09, 09:22
many thanks di, your words mean a lot to me. i know i've already said similar but i can't begin to tell you how grateful i am to have found this site, i was beginning to give up all hope, then i found nmp :)

thanks again to everyone for making me feel welcome xxx