View Full Version : Citralopam & Epilepsy

03-07-09, 23:59
Hello I've been taking Citralopam 20mg for 4 weeks now. Initially GP said I should take 10mg for the first couple of days because it could have an effect on my anti-epileptic medication and increase likelihood of fits returning (it has been controlled for over 4 years but took 14 years to get on to right medication) Anyway up until today although I don't seem to have any effect from the Citralopam I had 2 fits (complex partial seizures) I am worried that it may be due to the Citralopam but if I go back to my GP & tell her about my fits I will have to surrender my driving licence. Don't know what to do, was anxious and depressed before today and now this is just adding to my misery...Anyone out there experienced this?

10-07-09, 06:21
Feeling despair! Don't know which way to turn. No job now, husband gone weird and now fits! HELP!!!

10-07-09, 12:25
To be honest doorbell ,,I really dont think you should be on a med that is causing fits.There are lots of different ssri s,I would go to your Dr and ask .You shouldnt be driving if this is happening, Im so sorry things are so bad for you ,but im sure you will find something that helps you.Take care and keep posting Luv Sue:hugs: xxx