View Full Version : Can anxiety cause urinating related problems ?

04-07-09, 01:24
I am sure I suffer from GAD, although I also think I have an underlying health problem that because it has not been diagnosed it got me so frustrated that I ended up with GAD. However, it could be a viscous circle and could all be GAD. I had some MRI scans done which I paid for as no doctor thinks it was worth doing. I had the scans on Wednesday and today (Friday) got a phone call from the doctors saying they want me to see my GP on Tuesday to discuss the results. Straight away I am nervous because I am unsure if that is due to them finding something, or if that is routine after scans, it just seems very soon to have already viewed the scans.

Over the last week I have felt a lack of power to my urine stream (weak stream). It also takes me about 30 seconds to start peeing. I remember it being quite powerful before, but now it is sort of lacking in power, although it is still a stream (not drips). I can also stop and start okay and there are no after dribbles or increase in peeing frequency. It has concerned me though as part of me thinks I may have MS or other neurological disorder, even though no doctor has suspected this, so I am wondering if I could be making myself have urinary related problems because I have read in the past that people with MS have that, or if I genuinly do have a problem.

So is it quite possible I am causing peeing problems myself ? Or do stress and anxiety disorders not cause this ? Thanks for any advice.

(male, age 30).

04-07-09, 14:28
Wow your scan results are back quick! I had an mri scan at the beginning of last month and was told the results would take about 10 days and to make an appointment to go for the results. I was told they would only ring me if something of concern was found:shrug:

04-07-09, 14:42
Anxiety can cause this problem it can go either way if you get my drift.Sometimes as men get older the urethra can get narrower and they can do a simle procedure to correct this, but I DOUBT very much its that at your age. Sue x

08-07-09, 13:38
My pee stream was very weak today, but it seems to differ each time I pee. Sometimes it feels fairly normal, and other times it feels like a blockage. Weird. Luckily, touch wood, I can control it and don't leak anything.

I got my results, the MRI scans showed nothing except thoracic scoliosis, which I doubt is causing most of my problems. I guess I have to go back to the "anxiety" drawing board.

Mabelina, the same has happened to me before with scans, I think it depends on the clinic used. When I had an MRI back in the late 90s I found out my results were all clear from a answer phone message. This time I found out by visiting my GP for the faxed results.

08-07-09, 21:25
Simple answer to your question is yes.
*counts fingers* 15..crikey, years ago at age 17ish, I gave myself a 2 year long bout of 'urethritis' with anxiety. To put it briefly, visiting toilet often with sense of urgency but unable to pass or able only to pass little, with pain sometimes. Fantastic way to mess up your A levels - lol. 3 hour exams were a nightmare.

It was completely my own doing. I was too young to realise - and nobody ever explained to me what anxiety was! Probably if I'd been given the right diagnosis and some explanation I couldve shaken it off in a couple weeks. Pah.
They reckon to call it nervous/shy bladder these days. In those days there was no internet, so I had to make do with not knowing what on earth it was (maybe google not bad after all huh!)

So yeah. its not exactly what you've got but along the same lines, hang in there, try to put it out of your mind, and tell yourself it doesn't matter. thats the best way. Thats how I conquered it in the end. Nowadays I am not troubled in the slightest by it. Other stuff, yeah, but not that! Heheh.