View Full Version : anyone have this or worry over similar stuff?

11-09-05, 13:12
i hate to sound like a complete wimp, and am embarrases that some thing so minor causes me to panic but i just want to know if anyone else has this or find that since their anxiety period have worried over similar kinds of things.
I have had this like dry irritating tickle in the back of my throat for ages now, its not normally a nuisance and i put it down to my mouth and throat being dry with anxiety. Sometime i have to cough a bit to clear it and i have a little coughing session - this freaks the hell out of me and i start panicking! I'm thinking i'm gonna choke or stop breathing or something bad's gonna happen and i'll die and i can't stand to be on my own.

I know this is silly cos it's not even like i'm coughing alot or that it lasts that long and looking at it logically i'm scared of a cough which i know is stupid - it's just that feeling you get when you cough a bit and get out of breath that scares me because i have the sore chest and shortness of breath anxiety stuff anyway which i have become less afraid of but put it all together and it seems sinister.

sorry to babble but just wondered if anyone's like this over something they know is a little silly cos i feel stupid but that doesnt help me to be any less scared.


11-09-05, 15:15
Hi Linz,

I get this sometimes too, usually when I'm feeling anxious like you. Rather than cough to try and get rid of it (which you said made you feel like you were going to choke) why don't you try something different. Take a small sip of water, have a mint or chew on some gum. I have found all these things help. Also being less aware of it helps, although this is much harder.

People have posted about this in the past as well so you might want to search for some old posts as well for further advice.

You should never be scared of feeling silly talking about your problems, we all understand here (as I have been told many times!).

Take care,

Tam x

11-09-05, 19:33
Don't be embarrassed or worried about telling anyone about your problems, no one will laugh at you or anything, everyone is on this site to help you. I get worried a lot about silly little things and it makes me feel ill everyday, am not quite sure what to do about it, what happens when I am worried is that my breathing goes funny, chest pains, feel faint and weak and legs go all weak. Its not nice and this happens like everyday kind of. Anyone got any advice? Anyway Linz hang in there ok? Have you talked to your doctor about this? Have you told any of your friends? Because they should support you. Try not to worry.

x x

14-09-05, 21:13
Get a cough mixture for tickly coughs and have a teaspoon ful when your throat starts to tickle, I did that and when it works you wont worry so much then your throat wont get as tickly.