View Full Version : Brain Tumor Worry?

04-07-09, 12:13
Well, I'm currently receiving treatment for a sinus infection i've got, which i've seen a ENT specialist over and he stuck cameras up and down, yes sinus infection.

Do i believe it?

No do i heck believe him!!

i've been reading about other peoples problems on here about brain tumors, i think it's something like 4,400 people a year get told they have a brain tumor in the uk, so we must be all the people on this site who have them right?


I've been having common sinus infection symptoms, headaches, feeling sick, sore eyes, sore ears, painfull eyes and a bit of blurred vision at times, also sore neck and feeling a bit dizzy.

It's mad that we won't believe these specialist after they've seen whats going on, but then I'm thinking well maybe there's two things going on...

Cant really speak to anybody about my worries as no one really understands, the only people i talk to about it is my doctor who is really understanding, sometimes we even laugh about it...

Yeah sure we all need to worrie about our health from time to time, but not as much as us people with 'health anxiety' do. But somebody telling me i havent got Cancer isnt reasuring anymore, it's test i need now, i few months back it would only take the doctor to say;
'No you dont have bowel cancer '
'No you dont have a brain tumor'
'No you dont have Leukima'
'No you dont have H.I.V' (( i wasnt even sexual activaty)!!!!

I've been to A&E in the past about 4 times now.
I've been to NHS walk in centers.

I just hope some people can look at this and think, urm yeah maybe i should stop worrying a little bit..

for a day or two!

thats me anyway i'm feeling ok'ish at the moment!


04-07-09, 21:29
I am exactly the same. I became completly obsessed over my moles a couple of months back. Went to dermatologist who looked at one and said needed removing since had results back and its ok and they also looked at all my others and said they are ok. However I still think there is something wrong with them.

I had them checked out few years ago and when they said were ok I walked out and didn't think about it and believed them. Now is a different story!!!

I also don't believe my doc when says I have IBS, I am like how does he know it is that and not something else. I have booked myself in for a full health check next week with bupa before i send me self seriously insane!

04-07-09, 22:49
Well, I'm currently receiving treatment for a sinus infection i've got, which i've seen a ENT specialist over and he stuck cameras up and down, yes sinus infection.

Do i believe it?

No do i heck believe him!!

i've been reading about other peoples problems on here about brain tumours, i think it's something like 4,400 people a year get told they have a brain tumour in the uk, so we must be all the people on this site who have them right?


I've been having common sinus infection symptoms, headaches, feeling sick, sore eyes, sore ears, painful eyes and a bit of blurred vision at times, also sore neck and feeling a bit dizzy.

It's mad that we won't believe these specialist after they've seen whats going on, but then I'm thinking well maybe there's two things going on...

Cant really speak to anybody about my worries as no one really understands, the only people i talk to about it is my doctor who is really understanding, sometimes we even laugh about it...

Yeah sure we all need to worrie about our health from time to time, but not as much as us people with 'health anxiety' do. But somebody telling me i havent got Cancer isnt reassuring anymore, it's test i need now, i few months back it would only take the doctor to say;
'No you dont have bowel cancer '
'No you dont have a brain tumor'
'No you dont have Leukaemia'
'No you dont have H.I.V' (( i wasnt even sexual activity)!!!!

I've been to A&E in the past about 4 times now.
I've been to NHS walk in centers.

I just hope some people can look at this and think, urm yeah maybe i should stop worrying a little bit..

for a day or two!

thats me anyway i'm feeling ok'ish at the moment!


There are 60,943,912 people living in the UK so 4,400 is not a lot is it?

05-07-09, 02:44
Just wanted to say I know how you feel.I woke up on tuesday unable to move my head or neck without complete agony,absolutely panicked,went to gp who diagnosed torticollis.I got home googled and nnow am petrified gp may have been wrong.I hate it that we cant trust our gp opinion due to this awful ha.