View Full Version : Introducing Myself

04-07-09, 17:14
Hi all,

I have always been reluctant to go on forums and the like but I felt it was getting to the point where I needed to speak to people who understand what I am feeling.

I had my first Panic Attack at 17, thought I was having a heart attack and all the like, but my mother calmed me down.

Since then I have had on and off anxiety symptoms, I have had my heart checked thoroughly and they say all is fine. But I still have difficulty accepting the palpitation/sensations I have.

What brings me here is that I am struggling to function, I look around me and have contempt for people who are enjoying their lives because I want to be like them, as I used to be. I am now 22 and have been through university (which tested me mentally alot). I just reaching the point where I feel I am losing control.

I am just looking for people to talk to who understand the condition and share my experiences.



04-07-09, 18:50
Hi Dave

Welcome along to NMP!!

You are not alone hun.
I hope we can be of help and support!
Take care

miss c brightside
06-07-09, 16:59
i feel exactly the same!! and i have to say,well done for uni! i can barely face going anywhere for long periods of time as i panick too much!! i am trying to take control from today,hence joining here, its a comfort to find others that are feeling simelar. i too look at others and feel sad that i cant be "normal" how i used to be once upon a very long time ago! i am 25 and i feel should be going places,instead i find myself hiding out alot!! all the best ,and if u want to chat carli x

06-07-09, 20:06
Hi Dave,

You are not alone. I have just discovered this site myself and it is a relief to realise I am not going completely mad.

I too am very sad to not be able to do the things that other people seem to find so easy. I am finding it so hard to constantly be fighting my anxiety just to do normal everyday things.

It would appear to me that the more we think about and focus on our anxiety the worse it gets, so now your are not studying you have the time to indulge your anxious thoughts which is making things worse for you. Having said that I do realise that it isn't that simple otherwise I wouldn't be in the state I am in either.

You are trying to get help though so that's got to be a good start.

Donna x

06-07-09, 21:26
Hi Dave

A huge warm welcome to nmp

you'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way

best wishes

di xx