View Full Version : Sorry to keep going

04-07-09, 18:39
I'm having the day from Hell, again.
I've left the pesticides worry alone; it's now moved onto BBQ Fluid and the fact my mam poured it on a disposable BBQ, I'm so sure it got on the food I was eating and now I'm going to have whatever kind of poisoning that would bring..
I can't take this anymore - I'm so fed up.. Going to see GP on Wed on the plus side and be completely honest with her, will be the first time in a long time I have ever really told anyone how I feel!

04-07-09, 18:47
Please try not to worry Daisy, i don't think it would have you even if a little did get on the food.
You'll be just fine hun!


04-07-09, 18:49
It would have burnt off food i am sure