View Full Version : OMG...

04-07-09, 19:59
...I'm recovering from having my gallbladder removed on Tuesday and i was beginning to think i was getting there:wacko: but yesterday and today i have had these awful things happening in my head.

it's like an electric shock or buzz that almost renders my head unable to move for a second.......it's horrid and really scarey:weep: I now feel panic coming on cos i've never had this before.

Can someone please let me know what they think they are i'm really frightened:blush:

Trish xx

04-07-09, 20:08
If you are worried ring your OOH GP or the ward that you were on after the op, they do tell you to ring if you are concerned after leaving the hospital.

I am sure it is fine, it does sound like stress to me but it is better to get these things looked at by a doctor.

04-07-09, 20:47
After symptoms of anaesthetic maybe? Give the ward you were on a call, I'm sure they won't mind. Hope you start to feel better soon

04-07-09, 23:02
Thank you for your replies. I really don't think it has anything to do with my op as such, but i think its to do with feeling a little low after it.

After the op my Consultant came to see me and said " you had a very nasty Gallbladder, but it's in a bucket now:D !" Instead of focusing on 'It's in a bucket' meaning i'm not going to be troubled by it anymore....i have been thinking What did he mean by 'nasty'? This is stupid i know, deep down i know he meant inflamed, full of stones etc...but the HA kicks in and the anxiety starts:blush:

I have been reading about 'Head Zaps' on here and i think this is what i'm having, they are awful and i hope i'm not going to suffer them for any length of time. Think i may see my GP on Monday just to get it checked out tho.

Trish x

04-07-09, 23:21
Oh bless ya. I can understand. Try and relax and think of the good points of having it removed. Think of how much better you will feel now. I think your right and you are prob stressing yourself over nothing as we do and its making you have these head experiences.
Hope you continue to recover well