View Full Version : blood clot worries...

05-07-09, 01:21
does anyone else suffer with worries about this?

Im a 24 year old male, dont smoke, dont drink, dont do drugs.
I was diagnosed with anxiety about 6 months ago now, and after much fighting and finally some acceptance, i can accept i have health anxiety.

although I've had blood tests etc. done, it still doesnt put my faith in the NHS, especially when I had symptoms exactly the same as a stroke victim and it took me 3 trips to A&E for them to clarify it wasnt anything serious.

but about 30mins ago, i got a sharp pain that felt like it travelled up the left side of my neck. then my jaw/cheek felt a bit numb and I've also started gettin pains in the left side of my head now so I'm worried about a blood clot. even though I've had blood tests done and have been given no reason that I should just randomly develop a blood clot.

should i be worried? is a trip to the doctor necessary? or is it just anxiety playin up on me again? its so hard to decide whats best.

anyone else have this concern/similar concerns?

06-07-09, 21:14
No, you shouldn't worry. Part of anxiety is a "tired" nervous system. Basically you can't trust your nerves right now. Good luck

07-07-09, 09:36

I thought I would reply to you as I am the Queen of worrying about blood clots! I have been checked that many times for them. I have even had the proper blood tests to check for any thickness. I have calmed down about this now. But this has been a fear that has come back and forth for a long time.

You are 24 years old, fit, healthy, on your point of the stroke, that is so low risk its off the scale, easier said, then to think I know.
I would say if you are really worried (which you clearly are) go to the GP and be honest, say I am worried about a blood clot, be upfront and honest about it. Thats what I have started doing now.

I would def say its anxiety playing up, mainly because i am the same with you. Are you getting any treatment for the Health Anxiety?

I hope this garbled message has helped/made sense!
