View Full Version : Bit of a scare this morning - racing heart

05-07-09, 11:38
Hey All

Well I had my friend for dinner last night, and we had some white wine, now reason I mention this is because I have made the link before with white wine and my anxiety, thought I would be OK.

Anyway this morning I wake up needing the loo. Get up go to the bathroom, and my heart is racing, and I mean racing, on and off for about half an hour. It was so bad, that I got the kids up (this was 6am) and was ready to go to hospital. Or I was going to call an ambulance.
In the end I came on NMP and searched through posts for racing hearts and alcohol. Calmed myself down, and have managed to keep my heart rate down for now. Although I keep checking my pulse (something I do not want to get into)

This has really frightened me, as have had palps, but not a long episode like that. Have any of you?
In hospital where i was scared my heart got up to 160bpm. It dropped to half that within a minute when the nurse calmed me down.
I have had numerous EcGs, all OK.

Do any of you recognise the direct link between hangover, and racing heart?


Deepest Blue
05-07-09, 11:56

I've had this before yes and although it's scary but at the same time I don't think it would cause something as serious as a heart attack unless it constantly happens and you don't do something about it, in which you have done so it's under control already :) .

As for the link between the two, alcohol dehydrates the body thus placing the heart under stress to find volume to pump around to the organs and this causes an increase in heart rate. The amount of alcohol ingested however, is not quantitative because a few drinks may cause palpitations for some when it may take just one for someone else.

Hope this helps.
Take Care.

05-07-09, 17:01
Emira.. think you have answered your own question hun, definate link between alcohol/hangover and racing heart. Sure you will be fine now and please don't worry about it. Your ECGs fine so relax. XX

05-07-09, 17:40

Me old brain is thinking back here. Im sure Wine used to do this to you alot. Did you not switch to lager because of the palps???
Or was it the other way about? Lol told you my brain was old.


05-07-09, 19:33
Thats so wierd i've noticed wine does this to me too i tend to wake up in the middle of the night with fast HB and really strong too..also i had a few glasses last night and today i have been feeling very nervy and had the odd palp, good to hear someone else has the same thing happen, makes me realise it's not me that ill but just a reaction to wine x x

05-07-09, 20:30
Thanks for your replies. Well I am off the wine now, it scared the life out of me. White wine def makes me more nervy. Not sure whether to mention it to the doctor. I keep thinking that they are missing something (I know its the HA playing with my head!)

Panicky, my heart was beating so fast, terrifying, of course the more I panicked about it the worse it was!