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View Full Version : Preoccupied with my moles...

05-07-09, 20:57
A few weeks ago I noticed three small moles on my stomach, which weren’t there before. Immediate panic set in, so I dashed off to our NHS walk-in centre straightaway. The doc said that she thought they were fine and to just to keep an eye on them for any changes. So I felt a bit better for a while, but over the following few days I started noticing a whole load of other small moles on my body that I was absolutely convinced weren’t there before. So I started to freak out again, and went to see my GP at my normal surgery a few days ago. He didn’t seem at all concerned, and said it was normal to develop new moles at my age. He had a look at a few of them and said they were fine.

However, I’m still not fully convinced. It seems that every time I inspect my body (several times a day at the moment) I find another mole that wasn’t there before. My mum thinks that most of them have probably been there for ages, and that it was only when I became so preoccupied with them I started noticing them. My family thinks I’m nuts, especially since I’ve always actively avoided the sun and rarely tan let alone burn (I don’t like heat!). I made the fatal error of Googling last night (I tried so hard not to but stupidly lost my resolve :doh:), and found a forum post by some lady which scared the life out of me. She said that she had 30 moles on her body that she thought were just normal but actually turned out to be pre-cancerous, so she had to have them all removed. She was saying things like “Moles don’t have to be symptomatic to be dangerous” etc.

Then I came across the Mole Clinic website, which also terrified the living daylights out of me. The customer testimonials say things like “I noticed a tiny mole appear on my knee and it turned out to be a melanoma” and “The Mole Clinic detected a mole I didn’t even know was there and was actually cancerous”. I tried to rationalise with myself that the Mole Clinic is privately-run and is bound to try and strike fear into people to gain custom, but even so...

Anyway, thanks for listening and sorry this is so long. I’m tempted to go and see another doctor (for a third opinion) or maybe even visit the Mole Clinic (at a hefty cost). But then I'd feel like I'm just giving in to my anxiety. Oh, I don’t know. :sad: Any thoughts?

05-07-09, 21:50

I just wanted to re assure you that moles do grow. I had one of my shoulder grow in the last 6 years.

Anyway. I was worried about this mole, i went to my GP and they referred me straight away. She said it was nothing to worry about but because it was quite big, and exposed on my shoulder it should be removed. Had it removed, and it was non cancerous.
Believe your GP, they are hot on these topics. Its not in their interest to fob you off. If you need to see your GP again, then go.

Try and stay calm, AND DON'T GOOGLE!!!

05-07-09, 22:38
I have loads of moles that grow that weren't there before.

Our skin changes and new moles appear - it is perfectly normal.

05-07-09, 23:24
Hi hun :D:hugs:

I too have moles coming up that have not been there before. It common practice to keep an eye on moles. I have had some for many, many years, ohh that makes me sound old, I'm only 45 years young LOL

Please hun DON'T google, if you read through site that are for moles there WILL be horror stories on there, so please hun, don't google.



05-07-09, 23:35
My fiance has just been to the doctors to get his moles checked (after years of nagging from me), the doctor told him if they arent itchy or bleeding then there is nothing to worry about xxx

06-07-09, 18:46
Welcome to my world LIse!! I am seriously obsessed with my moles. I have just had all mine checked at mole clinic (gave into the anxiety!!) that they have in superdrug. And yes it was a price to keep my mind at rest for a whole of 2 weeks!! They use same equipment they use at hospital. She checked them all and said nothing to worry about. The nurse said to me only to be worried about new ones that appear that do not look like any of your others. For example all mine are small and dark therefore I need to check for change in size etc. She said if they were all lighter colours and new one appears that is dark to get checked.
BAsically just check your body every 3 months for changes maybe not 3 minutes like me. After leaving the mole clinic I felt very calm about them for 2 weeks and now I am back to obsessing over one on my arm and leg. Now I am convinced the one on my arm is getting darker. ARGHHHHHHHH!!!

06-07-09, 19:01
About 10 years ago I saw a mole on my wife and freaked right out. I begged her to go to a dr and have it removed.

She did.

A few more followed.

Now I've got to own up to the fact that I asked my wife to have pieces of herself sliced off in order to sooth my anxiety.

BTW, everything was ok. With all of them. She now gets yearly checks with the dermatologist and my end of the deal is to let her handle her own health.

It ain't easy, but its what's right

06-07-09, 21:17
Thanks for your replies and advice everyone. Much appreciated. :)

Tink, I think I've decided not to go to the clinic because I have a feeling it would only provide brief consolation and then I'd just start worrying again (like you said)! Interesting what you said about new moles being different colours from old ones. The three which appeared on my stomach (which started the whole anxiety thing off) are actually a lighter colour compared with most of my normal moles (they're actually more like freckles). However two docs have looked at them and said they're nothing to worry about so I guess I just have to trust them. They haven't changed at all in the past 3 or 4 weeks since I first noticed them either so I guess that's a good thing. :)

06-07-09, 22:28
I have had a few come up recently that look like freckles and nurse said they are fine. Just keep a check on them and if u notice a change then go to docs.
The one on my arm/leg I was worrying about before had checked so yes you are right has only provided brief consolation as I am back to checking again and wondering whether I should go back!! It was only month ago had them checked.
I have also become quite obsessed with looking at others moles and comparing them to mine!!
The nurse said you will get new moles till your 40's then if any start to appear mid 40's should really get checked out other than ones worried about.
If you ever want to chat about them just pm me anytime as I know what it is like!

06-07-09, 22:32
I have also become quite obsessed with looking at others moles and comparing them to mine!!

I do this too! All the time now, when I'm out shopping or whatever! And inspecting photos of friends to see what theirs are like...

Thanks for the PM offer, I will probably send you one sometime! Feel free to do the same.