View Full Version : hello..

05-07-09, 21:45
hello, i have been reading for a while. i have had anx for a couple of years now it seems to come on for a number of reasons i am just here to see if i can learn any ways to curb it. so that is me really.


05-07-09, 21:51
:welcome: Will, Theres lots of good information on the main menu.Im sure you will get lots of help and support here.Nice to meet you.Luv Sue x

05-07-09, 22:29
Hi will

Welcome to the site, :) hope you will benefit from it as much as i have.

best wishes

P x:flowers:

06-07-09, 17:59
i have just been in the chat room and it didnt look that great to be honest, lots of people swearing at each other. i think i will leave that for now and sick to the forum.

thanks for the welcome posts though.
