View Full Version : PARANOID! Blood clot?

05-07-09, 22:26
I know it's probably nothing, but I know you're more at risk of blood clots if you're pregnant or have just given birth.. And I gave birth just over 3 weeks ago. So maybe it's just that that's scaring me..

BUT, in my left leg the other day I kept getting popping and twinging sensations in it, some in the foot, some in the calf (Sp?) and some in the front of my leg. And some pain in my calf.. Anyway that went away.

Today now I have a constant tingly sensation underneath my foot and upto my ankle, I keep ketting the 'popping' feelings and have some pain in my thigh. It's also kind of numb around my knee.

I'm terrified that I have a blood clot, and because the pain is now in my thigh it has moved upwards.

Could a 'popping' feeling be something to do with a bloodclot?

05-07-09, 22:37
Last week I had tingling at the side of my calf and I sometimes get it around my ankle. It has passed now but I put it down to being on my feet too much. I have 3 young children and it is hard work running around after them all day. I too had pressure and tingling around my knee.

I wouldn't worry but do go see your GP as you are 3 weeks post pregnancy so it is best you get checked out tomorrow. I am sure it's nothing but always good to get these things checked out.

06-07-09, 17:18
The popping sensation that I get in my leg is due to varicose veins. I have had mine stripped once 25 years ago but some are 'popping' back to annoy me. Not saying that this is what you have, but have never heard of blood clots manifesting them selves in this way. As a new mother, Aimee's advice to check it out with the Doc is sound. He will be able to put your mind at ease. Congratulations on your baby!!XXXX