View Full Version : counselling

12-09-05, 13:42

I've decided to get myself off to see a counsellor. Trouble is the last one I went to see was a few years ago and it cost £30 a session!

My anxiety was bad again over the weekend. But I know what the deep down cause of it is. It's not something I can discuss with my husband but I have spoken with my best friend which has helped. But I feel I need to speak to somebody professional. I have so much on my mind which is making my anxiety bad that I feel I will crack up if I don't talk to somebody about it.

Does anybody know if you can get free counselling on the NHS or do you have to go private. I really can't afford to pay for it at the moment.

Emma x

12-09-05, 14:46
Hi Emma,

Not sure how NHS counselling works, but I imagine you'd have to be referred by your doctor or from an NHS mental professional if you are already seeing one.

My advice would be to enquire in your area to see what free 'one-off' sessions are available to tide you over until you get a series sorted.

Maybe your town has a local advice centre that can point you in the right direction. Other points of contact would be your local council's web page (they may grant aid a counselling organisation, or may have weblinks to such an organisation); local library may keep such information, and I wonder if people like Mind or No Panic have any local branches who would know?

Last year, I did get a free counselling session from the local church (I'm in no way a churchgoer!)

Also last year, I did pay for some sessions and I think they were £35 each so realise its not cheap.

Hope you find someone,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

12-09-05, 15:17
Hi Ray

Thankyou for your help. I certainly give those options a try.

Many thanks
Emma x

12-09-05, 16:11
Hey Emma,

I have been offered free counselling, via the gp.

tracy x x

12-09-05, 16:16
Hi Emma

I was offered a counselling referal from GP
Would s/he not do that for you?

Hunny x

12-09-05, 16:23
GP can refer you but its not instant.

MIND can sometimes offer some too.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

13-09-05, 08:22

Are you in London by any chance? I have a list of organisations that can offer low-cost psychotherapy and counselling in the London area, which I compiled when doing my own research into getting therapy.

If you PM me your email address I will send it to you.

be well,

*** I think, therefore I'm anxious ***

13-09-05, 17:06
Hi Gareth

I'm in Derbyshire I am afraid. But thank you anyway. I will perhaps try my GP and MIND.


14-09-05, 00:16
Hi Emma

I went on a waiting list with my doctor for my counselling, it took time but i was lucky that the doctor i saw when having a really bad time was good friends with a CBT counsellor and got to see her straight away. See your GP and get your name down on the list.

Why dont you try contacting No Panic as they do phone CBT courses and see what they can offer you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".