View Full Version : Googled! I know I shouldn't.. BUT..

06-07-09, 01:59
I did.

And I've now come to the conclusion (I know it's probably all in my head) that I have MS.

I've never been scared of MS, and it's never been part of my anxieties.. I made a post earlier thinking I had a blood clot because of this popping sensation I've been having in my leg.

I couldn't find ANYTHING on it, much. Except I came across something someone described as 'popcorn leg' which is exactly what it feels like.. Popcorn popping inside my leg. So I thought "I've got a bloodclot and it's breaking free and moving upwards" kind of thing.

Anyway, the website I was on was a MS website! So I checked some other 'popcorn leg' things and alot of them were on ms sites...

So I got all curios and googled.. Here are the symptoms I have. And I actually have them, it's not stupid anxiety symptoms I normally get.

Blurred vision - It's even getting hard for me to read text on the T.V now, but my optician told me sight worsened when having a baby, so I put it down to just that.

Flashing lights when moving eyes - But only when I move them really quickly, I only notice it in bright rooms, never dark ones and never outside so I put it down to it being bright.

Jerking and twitching muscles - Mine I thought are more like Jerking nerves? But idk.

electrical shock sensations - Okay that's only happened once, but it was today. :/ It was in my chest when I moved my arms.

Shaking when performing fine movements - I've only noticed this when I'm trying to take a picture with the digital camera, my hand is fine until I press the button my hand shakes and the pictures come out blurred?

Urinary hesitancy and retention - I got treated for a bladder infection, but my medication has run out and I need to go back tomorrow because the whole course has done nothing. It's like I need to go ALL the time, but I can't, feels like I'm busting but only dribbles come out...

Forgetfulness - I just put it down to being tired from the new baby and being tired ect.

So trying to rationalize my symptoms...
Blurred vision - could just be that my vision has changed from having a baby, like my optician said.
Flashing Lights - Could be from the brightness (Seeing as it doesn't occur anywhere else)
The Jerking muscles - I still don't know, but my legs (both) and ankles are pretty swollen so could be to do with water retention?
Electrical shock thing - only happened once anyway.
Shaking - Could just be the way my hand is on the camera
Urinary hesitancy and retention - Could still be a UTI but I need another course of tablets
forgetfulness - From being tired.

Do all these explinations add up to you? Please give me reassurance so I can keep telling myself the reasons for my symptoms instead of freaking out thinking I have ms! I know it's stupid but please help :(

06-07-09, 03:07
So trying to rationalize my symptoms...
Blurred vision - Tired eye muscle, adrenalin dilates the pupils letting more light in, meaning the muscles of the eye need to do more work to keep the "right" amount of light in and thus get overworked.

Flashing Lights - Similar to above but also involves overactive nerves in the eye.

Jerking muscles - You're anxious, tired, taut muscles behave badly, you often don't even notice they're tense. Overactive nervous system sending out signals to overcompensate. Plus the effects of adrenalin being released due to your anxiety, muscles being over-sensitive ready for action.

Electrical shock thing - Overactive nervous system due to being on edge.

Shaking - see jerking muscles.

Urinary hesitancy and retention - Could still be a UTI or could simply be anxiety.

Forgetfulness - from being tired, being in a hyper-vigilant state is tiring, plus don't forget your brain is too busy thinking about what is wrong with your body to focus on and remember other things.

You've mentioned some of the vaguer symptoms of MS but none of the defining symptoms of MS.

Just try to relax, and please, please stop googling, it's there to give you information but you're fitting your symptoms into a disease you don't have, that's your HA talking, which we do know you suffer from too cos you're right here on this site. You know the truth :)


Free hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

06-07-09, 04:36
Blurred vision - this is not blurred vision. worsening vision is just that. blurred would be sudden or progressive blurring inabling you to see clearly, objects, total blurring etc. not being able to read text on tv means you might need a light prescription for glasses. it's just getting older. im not even old.. 27 .. and this is happening. i got glasses and can see perfectly with them, but only use the for TV and driving.
Flashing Lights - hyper sensitive WATCHING for everything. i do this. i think i see things moving, jumping, flashing. ANXIETY.
The Jerking muscles - i get leg jerks, twitches, etc. when i stop thinking about them they lessen. anxiety.
Electrical shock thing - have this sometimes.
Shaking - i hate this symptom. i spill drinks, tea falls out, i have a hard time holding spoons etc. it's so scary, and it's so anxiety. it comes and goes.. i'm trying to relax. im doing hot yoga to relax more.
Urinary hesitancy and retention - i pee when i cough, etc.. ANNOYING. overthinking it though.
forgetfulness - im convinced i force myself into forgetfullness by obsessing about the very thought of forgetfullness which makes me analyze it and then forget even more. VICIOUS CYCLE.

welcome to my world. hope this helps!

06-07-09, 11:35
hun. how olds your baby? i had a baby 5 months ago and have muscle twitches & the popcorn leg thing. All the time! the more i focus on it the more i notice it, the more anxious i become = more twitches. I too am convinced i have MS but the things i have learned! 1. In terms of MS or ALS muscle twitching is the end of a muscle, basically its dying when it twitches. You would have other symtoms in that muscle such as severe weakness ( unable to stand or falling over) or no strength. MS also effects your balance majorly, can you stand on one leg briefly? if so you dont have MS. In ALS muscle twitching is a secondary symptom, you would again have major symptoms before. I am very very scared too but i am tryning to be rational lolx

22-06-12, 10:47
I know the post is already old but i have all of this weird shit and what drives me crazy the most is the bladder retention and frequency, is the worse anxiety symptom by far !! i am 24 years old male so this makes me feel like shit !! also freaking out about MS of course !

22-06-12, 14:48
I either have or have had all of these, and the eye issues have definitley come on since having my second baby, also having babies does crazy things too all your muscles and can cause all sorts of (harmless) serve issues that would give exactly the symptoms you are describing. After I had my daughter, I went through a MAJOR MS scare (also a first for me) because I had weird shooting, popping and aching sensations down my leg. It turns out I had some damage to my sciatic nerve from labour (I also had an epidural with her). It has mostly cleared up now, but it still bothers me from time to time, especially when I think about it!