View Full Version : lump in throat

12-09-05, 15:18
Been to doctors again today about my very painfull neck,
2 weeks ago they told me nothing wrong with me but today he found my gland up.
I started feeling panic coming on but he told me it could be a STONE in my gland ???? I have antibiotics to take now and he wants to see me in 2 weeks and if its not down he said i will be sent to hospital :(
I am trying to control my panic always but this is too much!

Has anyone ever had this problem, if so would love to hear from you x


12-09-05, 15:56
Hi Mirry

A male friend of mine had what you describe,he was in loads of discomfort with it.They gave him antibiotics and he started to feel better within a few days.You will be fine,i know its horrible but the lump will feel worse with anxiety,its something i get a lot
Take care
Hunny x