View Full Version : my story.... i lost my baby xx

06-07-09, 13:54
hi every one
my name is emma and 7 weeks ago i gave birth to my little girl scarlett and she died during labour. i went the full nine months and was ready to be a mum. i lost alot of blood at home and now this has caused me to have healthanxiety.
my main problem is chest pain god the chest pain has had me goin mad iv had numerous ecg's, ct scan and chest x ray and blood tests and they told me everything was clear. im so scared they have missed something. im goin to name some of my anxiety symptoms and would really appreciate ur replies...

chest aches
bones aches in chest and rib cage alot in the mornin
feel like my neck is swolen and hurts to burp or hiccup
i suffer from ibs.... and have had white mucus wit my stools
pins and needles in foot all the time
constant fear of dyin
back ache
somach pains like burnin sensation but doesnt hurt when i press down anywhere
the list goes on please help xx

06-07-09, 14:20
hey girl =]
i'm so sorry to hear that you lost your little girl. My mother also lost her baby boy just after labour, so I can relate to you on some degree.
As for anxiety - i have the ibs and pins and needles, along withthat horrible muscle stiffness and heart palpatations.

Right now I think you need alot of time for yourself. You deserve it. I hope you feel better soon. Just remember that your baby girl will always be with you in spirit, and has made you who you are .


06-07-09, 14:29
Oh this is grief Emma.... Grief is physical pain. It hurts every single thing in your body. And to add onto your grief you also have the pain from giving birth. It's an horrendous time for you. It is a slow process for your body to physically repair itself. But it will Emma, given time.

What help are you getting? Are you seeing a Dr? Have they put you in touch with some people who can help you through this traumatic period? I don't know what country you are in but look on the internet to find charities who help families after the loss of a child.

You haven't lost Scarlett, she's there Emma and she'll be with you always x

06-07-09, 15:14
hi emma
i just wanted to send you a hug :hugs:
i went through the same 18 years ago loosing my first daughter at birth . many people tell u time heals and it does it just takes a while . try to talk loads and get as much help as u can .
all the best
love sandra


06-07-09, 16:09
Hi Emma

I really don't know what to say. It is no wonder you are feeling alll of these symptoms, your world has just fallen apart. You need lots of time to come to terms with what has happened, you must still be in shock. Scarlett will always be your little girl, nothing will ever cahnge that. Allow yourself the time you meed to grieve, however long that may be. You might find some counselling helps or look for a support group in your area. But more than anything do not be frightened of these symptoms it is entirely understandable. Talk things through with your doctor who will be able to answer any health questions you have.

Take care.

06-07-09, 16:11
Hello Emma.

I am so sorry to hear about your little girl. I cannot even begin to imagine what you must have gone through and what you are still going through.

I think what you have described is a mixture of anxiety and also grief. Grief is a physical pain as some one else said. Your physical, mental and emotional health have all been through it lately. You're bound to feel like this. I can only imagine how you are feeling right now and no one can make the pain go away but people can try to support you the best they can.

Do you recieve any help and support? Do you have family and friends?
Maybe you are finding it very hard to talk about what has happened but you really do need to.
If you want to talk then talk, if you want to scream then scream, just make sure you let all your emotions out.

I'm so sorry for what you have had to go through, I really am.

Just please make sure you get the help you need xxxxx

06-07-09, 22:31
hi emma

sorry to hear about your little girl x

i know were your coming from with how your feeling ,my first little girl died about nearly 11 years ago she was only 8 hours ,i felt like my life had stopped .
then the health anx and panic started god from feeling like my heart was not beating right to chest pain,feeling dizzy and sick u name it i felt it.
but i know now all these years on that i was going through such a hard time so angry upset and devastated.
i am sure emma that how your feeling is all due to your loss hun and it will take time as u will have been told so many time i know i was, and never belived it .
go easy on yourself emma give your body and mind time to get over the shock and the loss hun
feel free to pm me if u ever want to talk
jodie xxxx:hugs:

07-07-09, 16:11
I lost my son at birth in January of 08'. I have always dealt with Heath Anxiety, but after his death, it has skyrocketed. I can say that greif manifests itself in every way, even physically. I can relate to your chest pain as well, I have had ECG's, EKG's, blood tests, cat scans, you name it, and it all comes back fine. I think my heart is broken emotionally and it is making me feel it physically... I'll be thinking of you and your precious Scarlett...

07-07-09, 18:19
Hey chick. I am so sorry that you lost your baby girl! I gave birth 4 weeks ago, and like it isn't a traumatic experience enough by itself!

The symptoms you have do just sound like health anxiety. But grief is probably a big factor also.

Remember though, your body is way different after birth than it was before, and it takes ages to return back to 'normal' everything's got to get back in place. I've had health anxiety for years, but it's never been as bad as it is now, since I've had my baby. My body just feels so weird!

PM me if you ever need anyone to talk to :)


08-07-09, 01:55
I Am Right There With You .i Had Sever Hemorage With My Second Baby While I Was Still Preggo And Two Ceseactions In One Year And I To Have Health Worry I Think It Is Calle Post Tramatic Disorder. It Is Very Scarey And You Feel Alone I To Thought Somthing Was Wrong With My Heart But It Was Not .