View Full Version : New kind of panic attacks - at home - help!

06-07-09, 16:51
I have had panic attacks for about two and half years now but they were getting better. Basically I was only getting them when in situations I found uncomfortable - and although awful they would pass fairly quickly.

When I first got them though (after my dad died suddenly in front of me) they would come out of the blue and were so strong - I would shake and hyperventilate and go very faint and be on the loo (sorry) etc etc. But they only lasted a few months and I thought fairly normal due to circs.

However recently they have come back like they were in the beginning - no real reason and very strong. I am getting them very badly in the house and feel like I will faint / die from lack of breath - which is not true (I hyperventilate anyway and am having treatment for it but am not at stage where can control it yet). Anyway here's the thing - I am not getting myself in a total state - not slept for last couple of nights and am dreading being home on my own when my husband is at work.

I really feel like I might just collapse they feel so strong - and I know logically that every one says I wont but they feel so strong.

I did some exposure therapy and got trapped in the lift and was made to stay (flooding) but to be honest had had a couple out of the blue in very 'safe' places before then. Am really freaked out!


06-07-09, 20:14
hiya, first of i am so sorry to hear about your dad, and especially how he died that must of been traumatic for you x

Next i have the same problem, i started to get panic attacks about 2 years ago, then they died off for a few months and then when i got pregnant again they came back even worse, my partner works away and i am scared every night when i go to bed that i am going to have a panic attack, some nights i havent even gone to bed, incase i have 1, its horrible, they have pretty much taken over my house and i cant go anyway without an escape route, i even moved house 2 weeks ago, so my home isnt even my safe haven anymore, i hope things get better for you soon, im hear if you want to talk x