View Full Version : hi everyone, another new member :)

06-07-09, 17:55
Hi, im new to this site and so i thought id better introduce myself. My name is Martin and ive had a pretty bad problem with social anxiety for years now (well sonce i was around 15 and im 26 now). Anyway i have managed to control the worst of my anxiety through counelling (which i still attend every 2 weeks) and determination, so ive got the panic attacks and stuff inder control. But i still have a problem with meeting new people, and being in groups. As ive lost all my old friends due to avoiding them when i was at the worst of my anxiety i need to make new friends, but ive found this very hard to do, and so i very rarely go out. I do find that i can meet people over the net, and once ive got to know them i can meet them and deal with that much easier, but the thing is, its not as easy to meet people for real over the net. Well a friend who ive been talking to online suggested this site (she is a fellow sufferer) and now im giving it a go :).....so far im very pleased with what ive seen!!!

06-07-09, 18:08
Hiya Martin

Welcome along to NMP!

You will get lots of advice and support here!

Lovely to meet you

06-07-09, 19:17
Friend who Jade (fearfactor) decided was gona be my other half hehe....


Great you joined hun, will c u in chat when yer allowed in :).
