View Full Version : Help me Please !!!!!

06-07-09, 19:43
My name is Donna, I am 32 and suffer from social phobia. I am quite new to all this, well new to admiting I have a problem, I have actually been trying to fight my panic attacks for the past 17 years, its scary to realise that I have suffered for 17 years and have only just worked out that I suffer from anxiety and social phobia. I realised I suffered from panic attacks a few years ago but didn't connect them to anxiety.
I am relieved to find out I am not completely mad and that other people are out there suffering too (not that I like the thought of other people suffering). I have felt like such a freak for so many years and thinking it was just me.

Please can anyone tell me if this can be cured, I am just finding everything so hard at the moment and am so scared at the thought that this is it, this is my life, always fighting the anxiety.

Anyway sorry to go on, I have probably bored you all to death but if not it would be great to be in touch with someone who understands what I am going through. :shrug:

06-07-09, 22:55
hiya from one Donna to another hehe, welcome to nmp, i am sure you will find lots of people who can relate to you and offer you great advice, you will also make good friends here too. hugs xxxx

06-07-09, 23:03
My name is Donna, I am 32 and suffer from social phobia. I am quite new to all this, well new to admiting I have a problem, I have actually been trying to fight my panic attacks for the past 17 years, its scary to realise that I have suffered for 17 years and have only just worked out that I suffer from anxiety and social phobia. I realised I suffered from panic attacks a few years ago but didn't connect them to anxiety.
I am relieved to find out I am not completely mad and that other people are out there suffering too (not that I like the thought of other people suffering). I have felt like such a freak for so many years and thinking it was just me.

Please can anyone tell me if this can be cured, I am just finding everything so hard at the moment and am so scared at the thought that this is it, this is my life, always fighting the anxiety.

Anyway sorry to go on, I have probably bored you all to death but if not it would be great to be in touch with someone who understands what I am going through. :shrug:

:hugs: Definitely not only you: there are hundreds of anxiety sufferers on here. Read the Success Stories forum to find some of the examples of people who have come out the other side. It's a really important first step to have realised and started to make connections between the anxiety and panic: myself what I'm finding most difficult is working out what triggers the anxiety, but I feel once I've done that I'll have a better idea how to tackle it. There are many many methods, and one thing that's reassuring about this site (apart from being able to talk to other people and thereby get things in proportion and relieve stress) is that there are so many different ideas for ways to reduce the anxiety, so there is always something new you can try, until you find out what works for you.

Good luck with the journey - hopefully things will get brighter for you soon.


06-07-09, 23:33
Hi Donna

welcome to the site - it's great for support and to know that you are no different from other people.

The anxiety will lessen as you worry about it less - try to be positive. try to say "so what" when things happen that cause you anxiety and use positive affirmations spoken aloud eg "Every day in every way I am getting better."

It will take time but it takes the edge of my symptoms. Good luck to you and take care


Veronica H
07-07-09, 08:47
:welcome: Donna, glad that you have found us.There is a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes called 'self help for your nerves', published by Thorsons. This is available from the NMP Shop. Her work can also be downloaded free to your MP3 from the shop. I can not recommend this enough as it really explains what is happening to us, and how we can recover. This will get better.


07-07-09, 09:34
Hi Donna, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :flowers:

07-07-09, 09:41
Hi Donna
I work as a clinical psychologist specializing in anxiety problems. They are very treatable using CBT techniques. I would recommend having a look at the overcoming shyness and social anxiety books by gillian butler - she does a workbook which is very good. i regularly use it and most people find it helps.

07-07-09, 14:07
Hi Donna
I work as a clinical psychologist specializing in anxiety problems. They are very treatable using CBT techniques. I would recommend having a look at the overcoming shyness and social anxiety books by gillian butler - she does a workbook which is very good. i regularly use it and most people find it helps.
Thank You very much for the advice. I have my first CBT phone session booked for next week through anxiety UK and am really hoping that this will be a good start for me.

07-07-09, 20:23
Thank You Donna for the kind message

07-07-09, 20:25
Thank You so much for taking the time to reply, I am finding everyone so heplful.

07-07-09, 20:27
Hi Donna

welcome to the site - it's great for support and to know that you are no different from other people.

The anxiety will lessen as you worry about it less - try to be positive. try to say "so what" when things happen that cause you anxiety and use positive affirmations spoken aloud eg "Every day in every way I am getting better."

It will take time but it takes the edge of my symptoms. Good luck to you and take care

Thank You for your comments. I do try so hard to be positive and to fight this, it's just hard when the panic kicks in.

07-07-09, 21:00
Hi Donna,

Lots of us have tramped/still are tramping the same road. It seems overwhelming at times, but remember you're not alone, the Claire Weekes books are very helpful. Good luck.

08-07-09, 09:20
hi donna
i too have suffered for 20 years with this ,it wasnt until i found this site that i realised i was really not alone and there were alot of other people who had my problems .i dont think that there is a "cure " but once you accept you are what you areyou start to learn how to live a more normal life .
all the best

08-07-09, 15:19
Hi Donna

Like you I am 32 and have suffered with anxiety & panic attacks on and off since I was at school. I too have a social phobia and thought I was the only one in the world who dreaded going out due to panic etc, until I joined this site.
I think its helpful to know we are not alone and have the option to speak to people that understand. Alot of my friends are really socialible and outgoing and just don't understand how panic can make you feel - (Its horrible to be in a constant anxious state - I'm sure to others I just come across as too serious or boring - deep down i'm not)

I hope you find this site as helpful as I have and if you ever want to chat feel free to get in touch