View Full Version : quick advice please

06-07-09, 20:27
im used to havin panic attacks but this doesnt normally happen at home and i feel different to normal. for past hour felt really sick and dizzy and got pins and needles in legs and feet.. please help

06-07-09, 20:36
Hi Hun,
I get those when i have a panic attack also get a them in my nose too! my peripheral vision goes black as well Have you eaten today that can make you feel sick and dizzy? Hope this helps x

06-07-09, 20:41
Hi thanks, i have eaten today, not as much as i normally would. My vision seems a bit dodgy actually. Does it pass anytime soon?! Usually my panic attacks last ten minutes but ive felt anxious all day for no reason! Just want it to go away


06-07-09, 20:41
i agree not eaten makes me have a panic attack, i feel really sick and shaky then i get scared and it leads into a panic attack, i had a weird one today were i felt like it wasnt one, i felt ill and really tired, i even slep for 20 mins today with my kids around that is not like me at all, i have been scared ever since then, im sure you are ok, but i know exactly how you feel, calm down and breath and get some rescue remedy herbal drops x

06-07-09, 20:47
I agree hun rescue remedy drops are great not sure if it is something in them or a placebo effect but they always help. I find my panic attacks usually last about 10 -15 mins and i ahve to take a diazepam to take the edge off otherwise i make it worse by panicking that my panic attack will never end, silly really! Once i have calmed down my vision goes back to normal and i feel better but like you say it exhausts you competely. Do you get ectopic heartbeats too. they seem to be the main reason my panic attacks start. Hope you feel a little calmer now X

06-07-09, 20:58
I think i should invest in some rescue remedy drops! I feel a little better now but because i havent had a full blown panic attack today, just constant mild ones im worried i'll have one but half wish i will have one so that i will feel better again, i dont even know if that makes sense! I didnt even realise til today so many other people felt the same as me, i didnt think others had panic attacks the way i do and was worried i had somethin else wrong with me! i havent heard of anyone who doesnt suffer from them anymore which is worrying because its really affecting my life and i wish it wouldnt happen to me. i even went on a date saturday night and ruined the whole next day by having a panic attack and then feeling dodgy for the rest of the day! meant to be going to the cinema on friday and already worrying over it!
thanks for both of your advice though, i do feel a bit calmer now x

06-07-09, 21:36
I sell RR products in the online shop if you can't get out to get any.

06-07-09, 23:07
Hi Natalie,

I have put a similar post up - I have had panic attacks for a while now - over two years but the last week I have been having them at home. never had them at home before and not liking it at all. Also they feel different - worse - I cant breath and I shake a lot and literally feel I may die or something. But I know deep down it is panic but cant seem to just 'let them come' as advised as these new ones feel so terrible.

I know a lot of people have found the weird weather - really hot or very heavy and stormy - a challenge so I am wondering if that could be making us feel so much worse?

I really hope you start to feel better.
