View Full Version : anxiety symptoms

12-09-05, 18:59
Hi guys

Just trying to understand my anxiety a bit better-

I seem to experience my symtoms i.e. headaches, neck ache, dizziness, fatigue, forgetfulness- nearly all day how long do you all experience them for?, all day like me, a few minutes, hours?. Kirst X

12-09-05, 19:04
Hey Kirst,

I seem to get mine majorly for about an hour before an event, and then i feel drained when its over, ( a mixture of relief and a wave of exhaustion?).

It does pretty much vary depending what my anxiety is over.

tracy x x

12-09-05, 19:32
Hey you

I experience them all day like you,but they sometimeds intensify before going out/going to work etc

Hunny x

13-09-05, 01:16
the feelings of panic and anxiety can last all day every day but the full on attacks only last a short time (even though seems a long time) but sometimes many times per day. Try some relaxation techniques ie listening to cds, breathing excercises and of course reading up on what anxiety and panic really is so you understand it and the symptoms (information and understanding is power) , in time hopefully you will be able to overcome and manage it more effectively.

Love & Hugs from Sarah-Jane xxxx

13-09-05, 18:02
My neck and shoulders can ache for days, I always seem to feel really tired in the afternoons, I am a total space cadet most of the time, so can relate to the forgetfullness, and i can also have a dull head ache for a few days too!! And the dizziness is most definately the worst thing for me at the moment! You are not alone with your symptoms,
Hope this helps a little, take care, kt xx

Be gentle and you will need no strength, be patient and you will achieve all things.

14-09-05, 21:20
Youre going to have to become aware of where you tense up when you are uptight, it seems like you are rigid on your back neck and head, if so notice this so you can relax the muscles that are stiff, it takes a while to get into the habit of it but once you do it will become second nature.

14-09-05, 21:55
My anxiety symptoms are more or less the same every day - they subside when I get active, which tends to be in the afternoon and evening.

I'm always worse when I'm tired such as in the mornings, or very late at night.


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

16-09-05, 09:50
Hi Kirgray

I have most of the symptoms you describe except for forgetfulness... sometimes it can be days, sometimes shorter, it depends.


*He who loses money, loses much; He who loses a friend, loses much more, He who loses faith, loses all.*