View Full Version : Wish me luck :-) (back to work next week!) - Sorry for long post!

Hereford Al
06-07-09, 22:01
Hi guys.
Well, I've made a fair bit of progress this last 3 months with a combination of new meds (Citaloptam) and some intensive Counselling. I am therefore attempting a return to work in the Planning Department of my local Council next Monday (13/07) after being off sick since early July last year.

Initially part time 2-3 mornings a week and build it up from there with regular meetings with Occupational Health to discuss how to go quicker or slower in terms of going back full time. If things go to plan then I should be back on full time duties by the end of August. I believe that by attempting to go back to the place where all my problems really began 18 months ago (I was ill with nerves for months before eventually cracking up), and facing it down, will not only further aid in my recovery from this nasty illness, but will give me so much confidence....If I can handle looking at complex building plans and dealing with daft computers that go beep alot, then why the hell would I ever be worried about getting on a busy bus or standing in a long queue again?

Am I nervous? Oh yes. I am really nervous. I attempted to go back in February and got in such a state that I ended up in hospital. This time around, however, my anxiety does not seem quite so bad - I am atleast able to leave the house, take the dog out and not worry so much. Whereas a week before my previous attempt to return, I was crying all day, not sleeping and barely able to leave the house. I am struggling to eat a great deal though because of that "excited stomach" feeling (plus I had a god awful flu bug last week that I am still only just getting over!), but at the moment am looking forward to my return....It will feel great to walk in on Monday morning, with a pint of milk for the fridge and some choccy biscuits for me and my little cabal who I sit next to, drink tea, partake in the banter for a few hours, clear my e-mails and catch up on what government policy changes have happened, etc.

I have a couple of Lorazepam tablets handy incase things do start to go a bit awry closer to the time but I would rather deal with this without them. They are just a safety net, I guess, and enable me to think about things in a lot more relaxed fashion just knowing that they are there if I am REALLY in need of calming down.

Yeah, I am worried about doing fine for a few weeks and then caving in again when everyone starts thinking that I am cured or something. However, the assertiveness stuff of my CBT has really helped me and given me the confidence to say "no" to people who might see me as a soft touch, as was the case before.

My rules for returning:

1) No more stupid hours! I'm contracted to 37 a week, so why the hell should I do 45-50 like I was before? Did I ever get any thanks for it? No, it made me seriously seriously ill. Never again.
2) No more being a doormat! People may think me to be the same old Al as before. Yeah, sure, I will always help others if I can. But no longer at the detriment of my own workload or stress levels.
3) Leave work at work! When I turn my PC off and get home, I will try my damnest not to think about work. I'll take the dog out, go for a pint, go and play snooker, etc. Not sit infront of the TV all evening thinking about what I have to do in the office tomorrow, like I used to.
4) Carry on with my healthier diet! I now only drink de-caffinated tea, only drink moderate amounts of alcohol 1-2 nights a week, eat lots more fruit that I ever used to, got a hankering for pasta, eggs, salads rather than the chips and chocolate and crisps diet of before. One day in the future I will try and give up smoking, but one step at a time for now!
5) Book my annual leave and stick to it! In the olden days, I used to book days off, then cave in and go into work anyway to avoid feelings of guilt about workload. It got to the stage last year that between Christmas and the day in July I was signed off sick, I had taken a grand total of 3 days leave. Not happening again. I book a day off, I take that day off no matter how much crap is going on....If the workload is really that bad then they should get extra staff in maybe! Not my problem. I have been told that I will still have my full leave entitlement, which is nice - I am sure I could use the 25 days off!
6) Fix my bike and sign up to the gym! I need to get myself a bit more physically fit to help me cope with stresses better. So I'll be spending the odd weekend here and there fixing up my old mountain bike and using it to cycle to and from work. I'll also sign myself up for gym membership to help burn off the adrenaline one or two nights a week after work. Something like boxing or a martial art, as these would give me further confidence.
7) Start going back to the football every weekend! Yep, I went to every single Hereford United home game (and many of the away games) for over 5 years. Then my anxiety problems started and I missed a game here and a game there and it soon became not going at all. I missed the whole of last season (no bad thing, given they got relegated!) and really long for the days when I would be standing on a terrace swearing and letting out my internal anger and giving myself high blood pressure for a few hours. There is definately a link between me not having that outlet and my basic anxiety levels being higher. Sorry referee.

Well, if anyone has any tips and advice on going back to work succesfully after being off for so long, then I would greatly appreciate them - How did you cope on the first morning, deal with that first irate phonecall, handle that first wave of panic large or small, deal with that first mistake, etc.

I know my buddies will help me as best they can and I know that I have the support of management - For some reason they seem to have missed my daft humour, my arguments with technology, and my lunchtime chips and gravy sandwiches destroying the office aroma! I've just got to be braver than I think I have ever been in my life and fight this b***ard face to face and destroy it once and for all....


06-07-09, 22:09
Hi there

I just went back last week after being off work for 9.5 months with illness (not anxiety though).

I am finding it really hard!

I work 2 hours a day - 10am - 12pm for 3 days last week and this week then the hours increase until in 6 weeks I am back to 7.5 hours a day.

I am very very tired and it is hard work getting up and I have completely forgotten my job so it is stressing me out!

I hope your return goes well for you - good Luck!

06-07-09, 22:14
Forgot to say I have weekly reviews so I can tell them if it is too much too soon and I do need to talk to boss about some retraining!

06-07-09, 22:32
Good luck Al!Its great to hear you are doing so well .Keep it up.Hope you ve got rid of that virus now? All the best mate Suex

Hereford Al
06-07-09, 22:50
Thanks Nic and Sue.

Nic - The plan is for a few mornings for a couple of weeks, then every morning for a couple of weeks, then a few full days and the rest mornings, then full days on "light duties" for a few weeks and back on full duties after that. I will be having regular chats with my line manager and also fortnightly meetings with Occupational Health to see if things need to be changed a bit.

Sue - Yeah, I was a bit rough last week sorry for scaring everyone in the Citalopram thread! Still not 100% but not feeling like I am about to die every time I eat anything - The fact it is a bit cooler is helping lots. I'll let you know how I get on with my first morning back :-)


06-07-09, 23:33

You have a great plan there and I admire the effort you are going to put in.

Sorry if I sounded negative - I didn't mean to - I just wanted to advise you that it is hard going back and to be gentle on yourself.

My job is IT and it has moved on so much since I was last there that I am finding it hard to catch up after so long off!

06-07-09, 23:50
Good luck with the return - I was off on a career break for 2 years and returned part-time last Sept. Within a couple of days I felt that I'd never been off. However when the anxiety struck I went to the toilet and talked positively to the mirror - "Good morning/afternoon/evening Al, it's great to be alive.....every day in every way I am getting better..."

Hope all goes well for you - will be thinking of you on 13th.

Hereford Al
07-07-09, 12:36
Thanks Nic and Chantelle.

Nic - I work in Town Planning, and have missed a whole year of policy changes, legislation, etc - Tried to keep up with them via the internet but it will take some getting used to when back in situ. Plus we have a new computer software system coming in soon - I am going to take less responsibility for the IT/Techy side of things as before I felt like I was a mobile IT Helpdesk for our department or something. I will demand that I am no longer the sole "come to" person for dealing with software errors and stuff.

Chantelle - Yeah, that is sort of my plan too. If I feel things building up inside I will either go for a brisk walk around the outside of the building, walk to the shop to get a paper or bottle of water, or sit in a quiet room somewhere with a pen and paper doodling for 5 minutes or doing a sudoku puzzle.


07-07-09, 19:27
Hi Al

well done you for making such good progress,and its really posotive that you want to get back,i bet you thought you would never get back to it.

good idea to build it up slowley,and dont put too much pressure on yourself if you have a few wobbles so what,the first day is bound to be the worst get that over with.

might be a good idea to just pop in,sometime this week and see everyone look around,and you no you can leave at any time,i found this a great help

good luck be thinking of you

love skyxx

07-07-09, 20:25
Al Chap great set of plans.

Especially the gym, and getting back to watch the footy, And saying NO ;)

Good luck mate

You will be fine, you have a good plan



08-07-09, 00:36
Hey Al,

Well what a post. Good for you. You should be VERY proud of yourself - give yourself a big pat on the back.

Plan in place, all will be fine. Go for it and give em hell.

Great job and I wish you all the best.

Natalie x

08-07-09, 00:40
Very best of luck to you.

Hereford Al
13-07-09, 20:50
Hi guys. Thanks for all the support and best wishes.

Thought I'd give a little update....I did it!!!! I went into work for 3 hours and felt fine all the way through.

Managed to spill a glass of water on my desk due to clumsiness/nerves but other than that was fine!

I am extremely tired now though, and will sleep like a baby tonight :-)

13-07-09, 21:09
Great news Al

I thought you would be tired cos I still am 2 weeks on lol

13-07-09, 21:29
Well done Al, had to laugh about the glass lol.Hope you have a good sleep and a good week at work. Luv Sue:hugs:

13-07-09, 21:40
Well done al your my hero :)

Hereford Al
14-07-09, 16:34
Not wanting to "Count my Chickens" or anything, but today was even easier than yesterday and I stayed for an hour or two longer than I should have done because I was finding it so easy. Everyone has been so nice and understanding that I am still a bit slow or clumsy or nervous!

I'm off now until next week, when I will be doing Tuesday, Thurdsay and Friday for 4 hours at a time.

It is strange, but I feel almost elated - There were times that I never thought I would go back to work, but I bloody did it, and am so pleased with myself :-)

Thanks for all the kind words on this thread, too. This website has been such a help to me over the past few months.

Right, I'm off down the Chipshop to get a "Monster Cod" with Chips and Mushy Peas for my tea as a treat for myself!

Best wishes all,

14-07-09, 16:42
Tuck in mate you deserve it

Well done :)

14-07-09, 17:10
Welll done al...im really pleased for you

14-07-09, 17:16

I like your list of rules for yourself :0) Hope you have it printed out and stuck somewhere you can see it to remind yourself of them!

I really admire you. I changed job completely, which has been the right thing for me to do, but I think it's great you are getting back in there with a new attitude.

If you do have a bad day (fingers crossed you won't) then just remember to pick up your list and remind yourself you can do it - a bad day is always followed by a better day :0)

So proud of you!