View Full Version : 16 weeks on Citalopram!

Lion King
06-07-09, 22:15
Hi all,

Just to give a bit of hope to others, I am now feeling 70% better than I did at the beginning of the meds, I still get the bouts of anxiety but I am more capable of relaxing myself in stressful situation than I previously was able.

I still have more cbt sessions to come so I am hopeful that we can work more closely with the anxiety and get to the route cause. I have really appreciated cbt, it gave me the chance to focus more on what my problems were by making me look at them from an alternate perspective, it made me realise that problems are not as big as what my mind was making them into.

My confidence is alot better than it was before, I don't get bothered going into something new as I have learnt to remain calm, open minded and positive. I try not to go over social encounters, I just sum up what has been discussed and move on where as before I would have been worried about the way people think about me and judge me. I have learnt to accept myself and get on with living life!

My partner has been really understanding throughout all my stressful times, she has been an anxiety sufferer so she knew first hand how to deal with getting over it, she has been a real inspiration, I am lucky to have this!

I hope this thread gives alot of hope and inspiration to others, I am going spend less time on this site as I feel I need to move on and start concentrating on living!

Hope to all and Keep Brave!

Lion King :D